Joaquin Phoenix's Joker hits Iconic Heath Ledger in his new image


Heath Ledger Joker The Black Knight Joaquin Phoenix Arthur FleckJoaquin Phoenix's Joker appears in a new fan art where the actor can take a pose similar to the crime prince clown of Heath Ledger's The black Knight.

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Todd Phillips reveals a new look at Joaquin Phoenix as a Joker

Joaquin Phoenix's Joker should be released in theaters in October and now, faans can get a glimpse of the star of the movie, Joaquin Phoenix, in a new image of digital artist Bryan Fiallos from his Instagram account under bryanzapp. Joaquin Phoenix can be seen around the similar destruction and chaos that has occurred in The black KnightThe original theater poster.

Heath Ledger has given a new tone and a new bar to the character of the Joker: his fans cosplay to date and have even earned Heath Ledgar an Oscar for his performance. Many fans and audiences now seem to be turning to Heath Ledger's iconic catch to compare it to future Joker performances, including the upcoming version performed by Joaquin Phoenix. You can see the beautiful image of Joaquin Phoenix taking the same pose as the Heath Ledger Joker below.

Joaquin Phoenix will badume the role of Joker after the rendition of Jared Leto in David Ayer Suicide team, although it is apparently not the exact same Joker that Leto played. Joker will be directed by Todd Phillips and will have a closer look at the character of the nasty Batman with Joaquin Phoenix in the role.

According to Marc Maron, Joaquin Phoenix's opinion of the Joker will be more intimate and more realistic, focusing more on the character as a person suffering from mental illness. Coming later this fall, Joker is one of the most anticipated movies of 2019 and this image will only attract fans' attention to more images of Joaquin Phoenix as a Joker.

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Michael Jai White reveals his experience with Heath Ledger in "The Dark Knight"

What do you think of Joaquin Phoenix posing as Heath Ledger? Are you excited about Joker? Share your thoughts below!

"Joker" is centered on the emblem of the nemesis and is an original and autonomous story, never seen on the big screen. The exploration of Phillips by Arthur Fleck (Phoenix), a man ignored by society, is not only a slender study, but also a cautionary tale.

Directed by Todd Phillips from a scenario that he co-authored with Scott Silver, Joker star Joaquin Phoenix, Zazie Beetz, Bill Camp, Frances Conroy, Brett Cullen, Glenn Fleshler, Douglas Hodge, Marc Maron, Josh Pais and Shea Whigham.

Joker will be released in theaters on October 4, 2019.

Source: Instagram

The main actors will replace Ben Affleck in "The Batman" by Matt Reeves

Batman Ben Affleck Matt ReevesBen Affleck is officially released as a Batman and the day is very sad.

The words can not describe how sad I am to see Ben Affleck announce that he is no longer Batman. His Batman is the reason why I do what I do. In Batman v Superman: The Dawn of JusticeI fell in love with his faithful portrayal of comedian Caped Crusader. It was a breath of fresh air and we finally had the only real Batman.

Three years have pbaded quickly and we will officially receive a new Batman for his next film. Last night, Ben Affleck announced that he would not come back as a Dark Knight in Matt Reeves The Batman And now, everyone's attention has turned to the desire to know who will be the next Bruce Wayne. Matt Reeves would like an actor about 20 years younger than Affleck, while Warner Bros. wants an older man. I suppose Reeves wants a new start while the studio wants an older actor with cross-over potential.

In this list, I will discuss the actors likely, in my opinion, to replace Ben Affleck as Batman, using the parameters desired by Matt Reeves and Warner Bros. Hit following to see our choices for playing the Batman.

Michael Fbadbender

Michael Fbadbender X-Men

Michael Fbadbender is a X Men alum and no stranger to the comics franchise. The actor has shown several levels of range and could certainly handle the personality of Batman / Bruce Wayne. If they opt for the old range of the next Dark Knight, Fbadbender is probably one of the best choices for baduming this role.

Ben Barnes

The punisher Ben Barnes Billy Russo Jigsaw Marvel

Ben Barnes is unemployed after The punisher season 2 and he is one of the best actors in this series. The second season tied up the Barnes arc The punisher and the actor has already told us that he would like to play the Caped Crusader. Barnes definitely has the pretty boy looking at him and I wonder what he might think of Bruce Wayne.

Ryan Gosling

Ryan Gosling Blade Runner 2049

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Ryan Gosling has to play in a superhero movie. I've always thought that Gosling would make a big Batman. Every role he played showed us his ability and he could crush it under the name Bruce Wayne.

Jon Hamm

Jon Hamm Mad Men

Jon Hamm is my first choice for an elderly Batman. If Warner Bros wants to call on an older actor for cross-over potential, Jon Hamm is the studio's best bet. He has a similar look to Ben Affleck, and go, look at the guy shouts Bruce Wayne.

Armie Hammer

Armie Hammer The U.S.C.L.E.

Armie Hammer is 32 years old and was chosen as the Crusader with Cap in George Miller Justice League: Mortal. This film will never see the light of day, but that does not mean that Hammer does not deserve a second shot to be the Batman. He is charming, cursed and will probably give everything for this role. Armie Hammer is a great option as he is young enough for Matt Reeves and Warner Bros. can work in such a way that it can cross with the rest of DC Extended Universe.

Richard Madden

Richard Madden Bodyguard

Game of thrones Alum Richard Madden is my first choice to replace Ben Affleck as Batman. The actor is young, has the look and certainly has the actor chops to play the duality of Batman and Bruce Wayne. Madden has just won the Golden Globe for Best Actor in a TV drama for the BBC drama Bodyguard, Warner Bros. may want to take it quickly.

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