Why is Sarah Ferguson still a duchess after her divorce from Prince Andrew?


Many remember Sarah Ferguson's marriage to Prince Andrew in 1986, and many also remember her dramatic outing of the royal family, who can forget about this scandal. But more than two decades after the end of their marriage, there remain questions about the ex-wife of the prince who remains a duchess and reasons for her existence.

On the day of their marriage, the couple received the title of Duke and Duchess of York, but ten years later, they divorced. So, why is Ferguson still a duchess and what would happen to that royal title if she married someone else? Here are the answers to these questions and the title that Fergie actually lost after their divorce.

Sarah Ferguson
Sarah Ferguson | Max Mumby / Indigo / Getty Images

Why Ferguson and Andrew divorced

Andrew and Ferguson started having marital problems just before the birth of their first daughter, Princess Beatrice, in 1988. Their problems were related to her career in the Navy because Ferguson admitted that she had spent her first pregnancy alone because he was always absent. In 1990, they had another daughter, Princess Eugenie, but two years later, they announced their separation.

However, as a result of this announcement, Fergie made headlines around the world when she was photographed tanning without flinching, head in the mouth of financial advisor John Bryan. Because she was still legally married to the prince at the time, it was a huge embarrbadment for the royal family and meant that the two really had no choice but to divorce. They did it in 1996.

Sarah Ferguson and Prince Andrew
Sarah Ferguson and Prince Andrew | Indigo / Getty Images

What she had in her divorce settlement

The Sunday Telegraph announced that as part of his divorce, Fergie had agreed to receive $ 20,000 a year from the royal family and to receive $ 660,000 for the purchase of a new home. In addition, she would have received about $ 1.8 million to create trust funds for Beatrice and Eugenie, as well as $ 462,000 in cash and an agreement that Prince Andrew would pay for the education of their daughters.

Before the marriage of Eugenie and Jack Brooksbank in 2018, she and her sister lived in a St. James's Palace apartment where the annual rent was $ 25,000 and the amount was still covered by Andrew.

Fergie loses a title but remains a duchess

Sarah Ferguson
Sarah Ferguson | Europa Press Entertainment / Europa Press via Getty Images

Following her divorce from the Duke of York, Ferguson was allowed to retain her Duchess of York title, as was customary, but she also continued to use Her Royal Highness's style. In a few months, letters patent regulating the royal titles after the divorce were issued.

It was stated that Fergie could no longer use HRH since she was no longer married to Andrew. However, she would still be able to retain her duchess title and is now officially known as Sarah, the Duchess of York. But if Ferguson were to remarry one day, that title would also be removed.

It does not seem that Fergie is in a hurry to go looking for someone new, because the prince and she are still part of everyone's life and even live together at the Royal Lodge in Windsor.

Read more: How old is Sarah Ferguson, Prince Andrew's ex-wife, and what is her net worth?

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