"Go learn from Afari Gyan" – Afriyie Ankrah questions EC bossman Asare


Policy of Friday, March 29, 2019

Source: citinewsroom.com


Bossman AsarePS Mr Bossman Asare, Vice-President of the Electoral Commission

Electoral director of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Elvis Afriyie Ankrah, criticized the Vice President of the Electoral Commission (EC), Eric Bossman Asare, for what he called your condescending.

According to him, Bossman's comments on the EC's decision to set up a new electoral register were contrary to the peace and stability of the country.

Although the EC insists that all political parties at a meeting have agreed on a new voters list, the NDC, on the other hand, says that such a agreement has never been reached.
Reacting to the NDC's claims on Eyewitness News, Asare hinted that the EC would not engage in any partisan jokes in the media, a comment that Elvis Afriyie was unwilling to make.

In response, Elvis Afriyie Ankrah asked the President of the EC to inquire of Mr. Kwadwo Afari Gyan, former President of the Commission.

"I am scandalized. Where does this young man come from? This young man is a danger and a threat to the peace and stability of this country [from] his tone, his posture and his body language. He must go to Dr. Afari Gyan and learn some lessons. I am very disappointed that this is the tone of the electoral commission. He does us no favors, he is appointed by the government and he serves the state. In no case is it better than anyone else. He should not stay there and talk anyway. Political parties are major players. This kind of disdain and behavior, we will not accept it. He should better position himself. He should go to Afari Gyan and learn.

"This young man should sit and watch the history of IPAC and stop arrogantly and scornfully. The government that appointed him will not be in power forever. This kind of arrogance and contempt is annoying. Why are you making a statement to deceive the public by pretending we were all in agreement? The commission can not function alone, "added the NDC's chief electoral officer.

CE would not be involved in any partisan press group – Bossman Asare

Mr. Bossman Asare stated that if the CND had problems with the decision made at the Inter-party Advisory Committee (IPAC) meeting, the good thing was to wait for the next meeting instead of appealing to the media.

"So, with what happened yesterday at the EC, we think that if the CND believes that some things are not well captured, the IPAC meeting takes place every month, the week next or next week, no later than April 17th. the case would be discussed in detail. We, the EC, would never play any partisan attempt of any entity in this country, he said.

CE lied; we never agreed on a new register of electors – NDC

The NDC denied endorsing the EC's decision to establish a new voters' register for the next general election.

According to the party, no such decision was made at the Wednesday Inter-Party Advisory Committee (IPAC) meeting.

The Electoral Commission announced on Wednesday it plans to establish a new register of voters for the next presidential and legislative elections in Ghana after an agreement with the different political parties.

But in a statement, the NDC demands the withdrawal of the communiqué issued by the EC because no consensus of this type has been reached.

"We take particular note of a part of the EC press release which reads as follows:" The Commission will establish a new register of electors before the presidential and legislative elections of 2020. We wish to badert with force and without fear of contradiction, that no decision has been taken on this subject. "

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