Nintendo Switch free online with Twitch Prime – GAMEtainment


Nintendo online

Nintendo Switch Online is available since last year. This service allows you to play online with your friends and brings out new clbadics every month for free.

If you do not have a Nintendo Switch Online subscription yet, you can now enjoy 12 free months with the help of Twitch Prime!

First, you get a 3 month subscription, then you have an active Twitch Prime account for 60 days. You can also dust 9 months. After 60 days, you will automatically receive an e-mail reminding you that you can recover the rest of the time!

All you have to do is register with Twitch with your Premium account. On this page, you can then recover your benefits. Then all you have to do is link your Nintendo account to the Twitch Prime account.

If you do not have Twitch Prime yet, you can get a free month on Amazon Prime.

All questions can be answered HERE in the FAQ.

You are welcome to support our Twitch activities by observing or subcontracting. Here is another link to our Twitch page!

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