35 Peace Corps Volunteers of the United States Inducted


    Mr. Kwaku Agyemang Manu, Minister of Health, making a statement at the Swearing-in Ceremony of Peace Corps Volunteers. Image: EMMANUEL ASAMOAH ADDAI

Mr. Kwaku Agyemang Manu, Minister of Health, making a statement at the Swearing-in Ceremony of Peace Corps Volunteers. Image: EMMANUEL ASAMOAH ADDAI

Thirty-five American professionals who volunteered to serve in Ghana as part of the United States of America Peace Corps program were inducted.

Health and agriculture professionals will serve in various parts of the country, particularly in disadvantaged areas where their services are most needed, for two years.

As part of this program, volunteers completed a 10-week pre-employment capacity building to facilitate their work and help them to better integrate into the communities they will serve. .

Capacity building included oral skills in local languages ​​and culture and prior technical skills in their areas of work.


At a brief ceremony attended by volunteers in Accra, US Ambbadador to Ghana, Stephanie Sullivan, said the initiative continues to strengthen ties between the two countries over the past decade. years.

She added that while the ceremony was intended to recognize current volunteers, it also served as a tribute to some 5,000 volunteers who have served in Ghana over the past 58 years.

"Even if it's 58 years old, this relationship continues to flourish and remains highly valued by both countries.

Volunteer work has evolved over the years to meet evolving development challenges.

Whatever the nature of the challenges, volunteers work very effectively at the local level, "she said.

Ms. Sullivan urged the volunteers to work diligently to defend the good image of the United States and to show tangibly how much America respected and cherished its relations with Ghana.

"Initial training is only tools, but you are the agents of change.

You are the ones who decide to put extra effort into developing relationships and gaining acceptance from the community, "she said.


The Minister of Health, Mr. Kwaku Agyeman-Manu, expressed the gratitude of the Ghanaian government and people to America for launching the Peace Corps program that had supported the country's human resource base and had an impact on development for years.

He expressed special thanks to volunteers, past and present, not only for their commitment to serve in Ghana, but to serve in very poor communities where Aboriginal health professionals do not accept positions.

"We are very grateful to you for helping Ghana, among other things, to achieve its universal health coverage program while improving its health care," he said.


The volunteers showed their skills in oral Ghanaian languages ​​when they constructed sentences in the languages ​​spoken by the respective communities in which they will serve.

They included Dagare, Ewe and Twi.

They showed a lot of enthusiasm and enthusiasm to serve.

Peace Corps

The Peace Corps is a volunteer program run by the United States Government.

Its official mission is to ensure social and economic development abroad through technical badistance, while promoting mutual understanding between Americans and the populations they serve.

Peace Corps volunteers are US citizens, usually university graduates, who work abroad for a period of two years after three months of training.

In Ghana, the program has its roots and mission dates back to 1961, when President John F. Kennedy sent the first 52 Peace Corps volunteers to serve their country to ensure world peace by living and working in Ghana.

On August 30, 1961, the first President of Ghana, Mr. Kwame Nkrumah, warmly welcomed these volunteers.
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