Ghana health service to test malaria vaccine in April


Dr. George Bonsu, head of the national immunization program of the Ghana Health Service (GHS), suggested that he would pilot a malaria vaccine in April.

He said the two-and-a-half-year deployment would take place in four districts of Brong Ahafo, Central, Upper East, and Volta regions, adding that it would then be reviewed and expanded to the rest. from the country.

Dr. Bonsu spoke at the launch of the five-day Strategic Training Executive Program (STEP) in Accra for supply chain management leaders, who attended extended to five African countries.

It was organized by GHS and the Global Alliance for Immunization Vaccination (GAVI) in partnership with United Parcel Services (UPS) to provide health personnel with soft skills, leadership skills and skills identified with the private sector to improve their performance.

He stated that the selection of pilot regions was based in particular on the high prevalence rate of malaria and infant mortality.

The program manager said the vaccine would require a four-dose regimen and that the pilot phase would be over, each child would receive the four doses.

The vaccine, which would be administered according to age, would be administered to children not only from Ghana, but also from Kenya and Malawi, aged six, seven, nine and 24 months, said Dr. Bonsu.

This, he said, would pave the way for other African countries to take advantage of the World Health Organization (WHO) sponsored program, GAVI support, GSK vaccine manufacturers, the Global Fund and the Government of Ghana.

He noted that many follow-ups would be done, from the first to the fourth dose, all necessary to make the most of it.

Dr. Bonsu said that it was necessary to involve community members because malaria had become a problem for all and that it was necessary to make every effort to eliminate it so to reduce infant mortality.

He mentioned other targeted diseases to be vaccinated against, such as tuberculosis, poliomeningitis, rubella, measles and yellow fever.

Dr. Bonsu stated that vaccine container clinics would be created to facilitate the process and ensure its proper functioning, while a backup generator would be made available.

Resources for planning and management, achieving objectives, networking services and providing supportive roles would be part of the strategic approaches to their success, he said.

He added that the group would make good use of the technology, provide support services to the unrealized areas, do more campaigns on yellow fever and others to improve their work.

Anthony Nsiah Asare, chief executive of the GHS, said drone services would be provided to provide vaccines to hard-to-reach areas.

Mr. Magloire Achidi, Supply Chain Consultant – GAVI, commended Ghana for having one of the richest health systems in the region.

"The latest statistics have indicated that the coverage of GDP, according to the estimates of the WHO and UNICEF, could reach 99%," said Mr Achidi.

This is by far the coverage of many countries in Europe and America, demonstrating the willingness, enthusiasm and professionalism of those who do and support this course, "he said.

Source: GNA

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