Tunisia holds Libyan arms embargoer


The United Nations logo in the corridors of its headquarters in New York. By Ludovic MARIN (AFP)

The United Nations logo in the corridors of its headquarters in New York. By Ludovic MARIN (AFP)

A UN official charged with investigating alleged violations of a UN-imposed arms embargo on Libya has been arrested in neighboring Tunisia on suspicion of spying. Tunisian and UN officials said Friday.

Moncef Kartas, a member of the panel of experts from the Libyan sanctions committee, was arrested Tuesday when he arrived in Tunis, a UN spokesman told AFP.

"We are in contact with the Tunisian authorities to find out why he was detained for questioning," said a UN statement, adding that, as a UN expert, Kartas had right to diplomatic immunity.

The Tunisian website universnews said that Kartas has dual Tunisian and German nationality.

Confirmation of his arrest comes just a day before UN chief Antonio Guterres attends an Arab summit in Tunis, with the conflict in Libya to be high on the agenda.

After initially being abstained from commenting on the case, Tunisian authorities confirmed Friday that they had arrested two Tunisians, including Kartas, suspected of "espionage on behalf of third parties".

"Confidential documents containing sensitive detailed data that could affect national security have been seized, as well as technical material to jam and intercept prohibited communications in our country," the Interior Ministry said in a statement. communicated.

In a 2017 report co-authored by Kartas, the UN panel of experts found that weapons and ammunition continued to be delivered to warring parties in Libya, in violation of the law. UN embargo with the participation of Member States.

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