Women are invited to give priority to the development of society


Women are invited to give priority to the development of society

Focus Women Network, Ghana (FOWNEG), a non-profit organization, called on women to redouble their efforts to develop their societies, regardless of their social status.

Network Chair Hajia Barikisu Mustapha Bawey said women have the ability to make changes in society and can also transform the space in which they find themselves.

Hajia Barikisu was speaking at a meeting held in Accra on March 28, 2019 by FOWNEG to help equip members of the network with skills that will allow them to contribute to society with their quota.

"FOWNEG operates in almost every region of Ghana to improve the lives of women and children in disadvantaged communities," she said.

Hajia Barikisu also advised women to take the training of their children very seriously. To support them, it does not matter which professions they choose.

"This will encourage children to work harder to make society a better place," said Hajia Barikisu.

FOWNEG seeks to improve the standard of living of women and youth in communities through education, reproductive and mental health, sustainable economic empowerment, leadership and advocacy. gender-based violence.

The network also aims to combat violence against women and girls, strengthen social protection systems and improve legal aid.

Georgina Wunkumi Mabe

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