The hedgehog is not worth salmonella, says the CDC


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) much appreciate if you could slow down your enthusiasm for the hedgehog. At least 17 people became ill and two people were hospitalized with Salmonella after approaching a little too much of their thorny and fuzzy friends.

"Do not kiss or cuddle hedgehogs, as this can spread Salmonella germs to your face and mouth and make you sick, "reads in the latest CDC investigation notice. The epidemic began last October and the health agency has been trying since then to spread its anti-hug message. But some people simply can not keep their faces away from thorny mammals.

Since the last CDC alert in January, six more people have been infected. This particular strain of Salmonella detected in 11 states, from Washington to Maine, and 87% of those interviewed by the CDC had direct contact with a hedgehog. Salmonella can cause diarrhea, fever and just general abdominal misery.

Salmonella bacteria spreads often through the shit of animals – in this case, hedgehog droppings. "These germs can easily spread to their bodies, habitats, toys, bedding and everything in the area they live in," reads the CDC leaflet, "People get sick after touching hedgehogs or anything in their habitat. "

According to the CDC, it is children under 5 who are most at risk of contracting the disease, while the elderly and people with weakened immune systems are likely to experience the most severe symptoms. This fits almost perfectly with the demographics of this hedgehog plague epidemic, where the victims are aged 2 to 95, with a median age of 13 years.

Stymied hedgehog lovers may find support from other pet owners that the CDC has also cautioned against showing affection for these animals. In 2017, puppy poop was linked to dozens of cases of diarrhea, leaving the CDC advising pet owners not to let animals lick around the mouth and face. Yes, it means that the puppy does not have to kiss it.

"Small turtles" caused 473 Salmonella infections between 2011 and 2013, pushing the CDC to plead with turtle owners: "Do not kiss and snuggle against your turtle.

Feathered friends also do not receive a CDC pbad. Poultry can also be contaminated with salmonella, causing 5,128 diseases in 76 outbreaks since 2000. For people who have a henhouse in their backyard, the agency recites a very familiar abstain; "Do not kiss backyard poultry, cuddle them, and then touch your face or mouth."

In fact, the agency advises not to snuggle with small animals in general. This does not mean that you can not play with your little pets. Just for the sake of your neighborhood epidemiologist, please wash your hands afterwards.

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