DRC records 15 new cases of Ebola in one day


This is the biggest increase of a day since last August 's statement in the Democratic Republic of Congo, of the current outbreak, announced the Ministry of Health.

A health worker sprays a disinfectant on his colleague after working at an Ebola treatment center in Beni, eastern DRC.

A health worker sprays a disinfectant on his colleague after working at an Ebola treatment center in Beni, eastern DRC.

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) recorded Friday 15 new confirmed cases of Ebola, the largest increase in a day since the announcement of the current outbreak, last August, the Ministry of Health said. Health.

One day after the confirmation of 14 new cases, this figure means that the epidemic is about to register one of its highest weekly cases, although health officials have said it was only two weeks ago that she was largely under control and that she could be curbed in September.

Democratic Republic of Congo records 15 new cases of Ebola in one day pic.twitter.com/Q3MkuFt1jm

– TRT World (@trtworld) March 29, 2019

Health workers facing difficulties

Health workers provided new tools to fight the latest outbreak of haemorrhagic fever, including a vaccine and several treatments, but community mistrust of first responders and acts of violence by militia delayed the campaign.

Five Ebola centers have been attacked since last month, sometimes by armed badailants.

The violence led the French medical charity Médecins sans Frontières (MSF) to suspend its activities at the epicenter of the epidemic last month.

Baby Benedict is one of the youngest survivors in the world of Ebola, after being treated at a UNICEF-supported health center in Beni, DR Congo. pic.twitter.com/2tfupZyvHZ

– Henrietta H. Fore (@unicefchief) March 25, 2019

The current epidemic of virus, which causes severe vomiting, diarrhea and bleeding, is the second most important in history after the outbreaks of West Africa from 2013 to 2016 having killed more than 11,000 people.

The DRC Ministry of Health said Friday that the outbreak killed 660 people and infected 399 others.

Source: Reuters

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