Shaanxi Mining fined US $ 50,000 but no compensation for the deceased


Shaanxi Mining fined US $ 50,000 but no compensation for the deceased

The report of investigations conducted by the Inspection Division of the Minerals Commission as a result of the explosion of a mine that killed 17 people in Talensi district in January this year has revealed the Shaanxi Ghana Mining Company and its compatriots, the groups Pubortaaba and Yenyeya Mining, guilty of five counts attracting a fine of $ 50,000.

This Shaanxi Chinese company went to the Upper East in 2008 with a mining support service certificate to help two small mining companies, namely the Yenyeya and Pubortaaba mining groups, with whom they had entered into a supply agreement mine support services.

Addressing a section of the press that officially adopted and released the report, the Minister of Lands and Natural Resources (MLNR), Mr. Asoma Cheremeh, indicated that the fine related to mining regulations and a breach of obligations by Shaanxi agents. resulted in the death of 17 illegal juveniles in the Gbane community within Talensi.

These 17 dead were supposed to mine in and around concessions near the Shaanxi mine site that fateful day, when the toxic gaseous substances emanating from the Shaanxi explosives illuminated them.

The report accused the Chinese of breaking the law, including the appointment of a supervisor who could not communicate to his patrol team in the language they understood, a violation of the 508 regulation. the LI 2182 and the storage of explosives in an underground without the approval of the chief mines inspector. 163, LI 2182.

Again, they have also been accused of failing to ensure that the code of safe work practices for blasting is approved by a Commission inspector (IRPA Regulation 515), as well as failing to record the explosions that occurred on January 22 in the Ships' Log, a violation of By-law 47 (10) of IR 2182.

The paper also ordered Shaanxi Mining Ghana Limited to fire its head of office for giving up his job during the blast, while the Yenyeya and Portaaba Mining groups were fined $ 10,000 for not doing so. have stuck blasting notices in the Gbane community, in contravention of Regulation 193 of LI 2177.

What was clearly missing from the report was the recommendation for compensation of any kind for the relatives of the 17 people who died as a result of Shaanxi's negligence.

At the same time, in a previous survey report of the same 2012 Minerals Commission, "The committee made a number of conclusions, including that Shaanxi was indeed operating outside authorized areas and that the company had not paid adequate compensation for shea and other crops destroyed during operations." At the end of the committee's report, it was also stressed again that "Shaanxi must cease operations in unauthorized areas, including exploration activities or underground activities outside its authorized areas of operation."

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