The Pancreatic Cancer Collaborative Funded Two New Research Teams Using Artificial Intelligence to Identify


ATLANTA, March 30, 2019 / PRNewswire / – The Pancreatic Cancer Collective, the strategic partnership of the Lustgarten Foundation and Stand Up To Cancer (SU2C), today announced the award of two $ 1 million grants for computer-based approaches. identify high-risk pancreatic cancer populations. The grant money will be used to develop new tools to identify people at high risk of developing pancreatic cancer, based on their medical records. The announcement was made at the annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a term that refers to machines programmed to mimic human reasoning. Artificial intelligence aims to learn from failure and to be able to provide the best possible recommendation for a given subject. Whether it's solving equations, finding the best treatment options for cancer patients or helping the vehicle's self-sufficiency, the AI ​​becomes a powerful resource in many areas.

"From diagnosing pancreatic cancer to determining the most appropriate treatment for each patient, we believe that the field of AI is very promising for patients and their families," he said. David A. Tuveson, MD, Ph.D., Lustgarten Chief Scientist, Director of the Cancer Center at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and Scientific Co-Scientific Leader of the Collective.

The two teams will each take a different approach to identifying members of the general population at high risk of pancreatic cancer. One will use molecular and genetic data from a variety of data sets to identify new and accessible ways to identify high-risk individuals. The other focuses on identifying high-risk individuals by applying a machine learning badysis to real-world data including radiological images, electronic medical records and information. collected by doctors. Each team will receive up to $ 1 million over two years.

The new computer approaches to the pancreatic cancer collective for the identification of high-risk pancreatic cancer populations are as follows:

Identification of Genomic and Immune Factors in Populations at High Risk of Pancreatic Cancer: Team Leader: Raul Rabadan, PhD, Columbia University; Co-Leader: Núria Malats, MD, PhD, MPH, Spanish National Center for Cancer Research (CNIO). The team will focus on rare gene variants, specific regions of DNA and modifications, within large clinical and molecular datasets from multiple cohorts. Datasets include the British Biobank, a European Digestive Diseases and Genetics Study (PanGen-EU), the Cancer Genome Atlas and the International Cancer Genome Consortium. This team also plans to characterize the tumor microenvironment, especially the microbiome and the expression of important proteins for the regulation of the immune system.

"If these efforts to fully integrate clinical, genetic and microenvironmental factors succeed, this team will revolutionize the screening and identification of individuals extremely susceptible to pancreatic cancer," said Phillip A. Sharp, PhD, Nobel laureate who chairs the SU2C Scientific Advisory Board (SAC) and is the co-lead scientist.

Identification of people at high risk of pancreatic cancer by automatic learning badysis of clinical records and images: Team Leader: Chris Sander, PhD, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute; Co-manager: Regina BarzilayPhD, Mbadachusetts Institute of Technology. The project of this team aims to develop models of risk badessment using an automatic learning badysis of clinical records and images in order to identify individuals at high risk of pancreatic cancer in the general population. These risk models will lead to a practical tool for identifying patients at high risk of pancreatic cancer who should be enrolled in screening programs for the prevention and early detection of the disease. This team builds on recent advances in machine learning technologies and the availability of rich clinical records from large and diverse patient populations across three health systems: Henry Ford Health System, HealthCare Partners and the Registry Denmark's national patients.

About the Pancreatic Cancer Collaborative
The Pancreatic Cancer Collective is an initiative of the Lustgarten Foundation and Stand Up To Cancer aimed at improving outcomes for patients with pancreatic cancer. Together, these cancer research organizations will attract new collaborators, improve the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, find new treatments for pancreatic cancer and support the next generation of pancreatic cancer investigators. Engaging leaders of opinion, researchers, institutions and companies, the Collective will innovate and accelerate research at the forefront of science. For more information, visit

About the Lustgarten Foundation
The Lustgarten Foundation is the largest private US funder for pancreatic cancer research. Based in Woodbury, NY, the Foundation supports research to find a cure for pancreatic cancer, facilitates dialogue within the medical and scientific community, and educates the public about the disease through awareness campaigns and brainstorming. funds. Since its inception, the Lustgarten Foundation has dedicated $ 165 million to research and brought together the best scientific minds in the hope that one day a cure can be found. With separate funding to cover administrative expenses, 100% of your donation goes directly to pancreatic cancer research. For more information, visit

About Stand Up Against Cancer
Stand Up To Cancer (SU2C) raises funds to accelerate the pace of research to quickly bring new treatments to patients and save lives now. SU2C, a division of the Entertainment Industry Foundation (EIF), a 501 (c) (3) charity, was created in 2008 by film and media leaders who use industry resources to inspire the industry. public to support a new collaborative model of cancer research and to increase awareness of cancer prevention and progress in the fight against cancer. A scientific advisory committee led by Nobel laureate Phillip A. Sharp, Ph.D., with the support of the SU2C Strategy and Science Management Department, conducts competitive review processes to identify the best research proposals in Canada. recommend for funding, oversee the administration of grants and provide experts. review of research progress.

Current members of the SU2C Founders and Consultants Council include: Katie Couric, Sherry Lansing, Lisa Paulsen, Rusty Robertson, Sue Schwartz, Pamela Oas Williams, Ellen Ziffren, and Kathleen Lobb. The end Laura Ziskin and the end Noreen Fraser are also co-founders. Sung Poblete, PhD, RN, has been president of SU2C since 2011.

For more information on Stand Up To Cancer, please visit

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