Trump, Russia and the Mueller report: is the case really closed? | United States


A two-year investigation led by special advocate Robert Mueller on a possible collusion between US President Donald Trump's campaign and the Russian government before the end of the 2016 US presidential election. The conclusion, according to a Abstract submitted to the US Congress by Attorney General William Barr, is "no collusion".

But does this completely exonerate Trump?

"To date, I have evaluated all the evidence of a Trump-Russia plot." It's been two years since I argue that it's not there. "Mueller apparently felt the same way," he said. says journalist Aaron Mate. "All the available evidence I've seen goes against his arguments, and now Mueller has concluded that it did not happen." Again, I'm looking forward to receive the final report, "added Mate, editor at The Nation.

But David Cay Johnston, the author of C's is even worse than you think: what the Trump administration does for America, wants Trump to publish the full report.

"Donald Trump has the power to make every word of this report public … Why does not he use his power to do it? That's all we need to know." that we do not see all the words of this report, why see it when Donald Trump has the power to publish a report which, according to him, exonerates it, "asked Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Johnston.

Aaron Mate and David Cay Johnston discuss the response to the Mueller report in this week's Arena.

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Source: Al Jazeera News

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