New register of voters: Baako supports NDC, but says wrestling is a "storm in a cup of tea"


General News of Saturday, March 30, 2019



Kweku Baako8 Abdul Malik Kweku Baako Jnr, Editor-in-Chief of the New Crusading Guide

The National Democratic Congress (NEC) seems to have gained a lot of support by raising an objection to a statement issued by the Electoral Commission.

The ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the other parties who attended the IPAC meeting supported the NDC's contention that the issue of a new voters' register had not been discussed at the meeting. meeting.

The EC, in a statement issued after the IPAC meeting, said the new register of voters had been concluded after "exhaustive deliberation".

However, the NDC condemned the EC for misleading the public, since nothing of this kind had been discussed at length.

The EC then clarified that the new register of electors would be in 2020 and that there would be another meeting to discuss it.

Adding his voice to this, the editor of the newspaper New Crusading Guide says that NDCs are "justified" in their claim. however, he baderts that they could have argued their case without arguing with the Commission.

"The concerns of the NDC were justified, but I think they started from the right principle and drew a bad conclusion. You have drawn the public's attention to the error and that is correct, and the EC has responded. . . if you start from a premise and then state a reason for electoral fraud, that does not help. . . My call is that if you recognize an error, I'm not saying do not say it, but do not read it, "he said.

Storm in a cup of tea

Kweku Baako also described the joke between the EC and the NDC as "a storm in a cup of tea"

According to him, "after listening to all the parties, it is obvious that the release poses a problem". . . However, when it was clarified that the new register of electors would be established in 2020, "I concluded that it was the storm in a cup of tea because there would be new consultations".

"My point of view is that when that happens; we can make a statement and clarify, but the continuation of the attack does not help anyone, "he told the EC and NDC while participating in a round table on Joy's news program on Saturday.

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