Teenager dies when tapeworm eggs have hatched in his brain after eating pork – World News


A teenager died when tapeworm eggs hatched in his brain after eating poach-contaminated pork.

The 18-year-old unidentified young man began to have violent seizures and died after the parasites started eating his brain.

The patient was introduced to doctors in Faridabad, India, suffering from swelling above his right eye and a swollen right testicle.

His worried parents told the doctors that he was suffering from tenderness in the groin for more than a week.

According to a case study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, doctors were horrified after examinations at ESIC Medical College and the hospital showed that parasites were widespread. in his brain.

An MRI examination revealed lesions caused by cysts in his cerebral cortex, which constitutes the outer mantle of brain tissue, as well as the brainstem, including the cerebellum, located at the back of the head at the above the spinal cord.

MRI showed how parasites left cysts in his brain

Doctors have diagnosed him with neurocysticercosis, a parasitic brain disease caused by a person who swallows tapeworm eggs that have pbaded through the feces of someone who has an intestinal tapeworm.

Larvae crawl out of eggs and into muscle and brain tissues, where they form cysts.

The doctors also found cysts in the patient's right eye and right testicle.

The doctors prescribed steroids and antibiotics, but died as a result of his condition two weeks later.

The parasite was caught in contaminated meat

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, infections with cysticercosis occur mainly in rural areas of developing countries where pigs are allowed to roam and where sanitation practices are poor.

Although these infections may be rare in people living in countries where pigs do not come in contact with human feces, cysticercosis can be contracted anywhere in the world.

Patients with cysticercosis can not pbad on their disease to others; only people with tapeworm bowel can spread potentially lethal eggs in the absence or neglect of adequate hygiene.

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Main reports of Mirror Online

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