The six main benefits of colostrum


Reprinted with the kind permission of Dr. Mercola.

By Dr. Mercola

Your natural immune function is a key part of your health and disease prevention. Natural killer cells (NK), a type of white blood cell important for your innate immune system, are an integral part of this system.1 Your immune system has two branches: cell-mediated immunity (innate) and lymphatic system. humoral (adaptive) immunity.

When you contract a viral disease, the pathogen infects your cells. Immediately, your cell-mediated immune response activates NK2 cells as well as chemicals to attract cells to the site of infection. White blood cells attack viral cells and destroy them, eliminating the virus from your body. During the recovery phase, your humoral immune system starts to generate antibodies to prevent the same type of infection from happening again.

Colostrum, the fluid produced by new mothers within two days of birth, plays a vital role in supporting your NK 3 cells, as well as in inflammation, metabolism and protection against the development of cancerous tumors .

Athletes report improved performance after the use of bovine colostrum 4 supplements, one of whose components demonstrates the ability to stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract5.

Important NK cells in the prevention of viral diseases and tumors

Before taking a closer look at the benefits of colostrum, it is important to identify the function of NK cells in the immune system and in the prevention of viral diseases and tumors, which are at the root of many of the benefits of colostrum. An article published in Nature describes the functions of NK cells involved in the treatment of viral diseases and the treatment of tumors: 6

"NK (Natural Killer) cells are effector lymphocytes of the innate immune system that control several types of tumors and microbial infections by limiting their spread and damaging tissues. NK cells can thus limit or exacerbate immune responses.

Although NK cells may appear redundant in several immune challenge situations in humans, NK cell manipulation appears promising in efforts to improve solid and hematopoietic organ transplantation, to promote the immune system. Antitumor immunotherapy and to control inflammatory and autoimmune disorders. "

The process of targeting and killing aberrant viral and tumor cells relies on molecules stored in a secretory lysosome, or specialized organelle, present in NK cells. However, NK cells are not specific to the antigen, process used by your humoral immune response. Instead, NK cells help reduce viral replication because the adaptive arm of your immune system creates antibodies.

NK cell deficiency can make you vulnerable to viral infections and, potentially, tumor formation7,8. Although they are not antigen-specific, NK cells differentiate healthy normal cells from healthy abnormal cells, leading scientists to look for ways to improve NK cell function a way to improve the health of cells. improve the effectiveness of cancer treatments.9,10

A recent study at Stanford11 found a biomarker predicting susceptibility to influenza. Using 52 volunteers to become infected with the flu, the researchers badessed the types of immune cells present before the introduction of the virus and found that NK cells were consistently low in people with flu symptoms and that those with Higher levels had a better immune response. 12

Health benefits of colostrum

Many benefits badociated with using a colostrum supplement are based on your body's cellular responses derived from the support of your immune system. Numerous studies have evaluated the use of colostrum in raw milk, including its effects on body composition, metabolism, recovery after surgery and protection against viral diseases, including rotavirus causing disease diarrhéiques.13

Colostrum is an essential source of nutrients for the development of infants. Food preparations, which do not contain colostrum, are believed to increase the risk of type 1 diabetes, childhood cancers, colitis, allergies and chronic infections in children. Child 1.

The bioactive molecules in colostrum help modulate the infant's immune system and prevent the excessive proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. In adults, colostrum had effects on: 15,16

Allergy and infection – In a mouse study, 17 researchers completed the experimental group with colostrum and then infected the control group and the experimental group with the influenza virus. Mice supplemented with colostrum lose less weight and their viral load in the lungs is lower than in the control group.

The researchers then used a primary culture of colostrum-stimulated small bowel epithelial cells and discovered that an interaction was potentially dependent on the components of colostrum with the intestinal epithelial receptors.18

In another study 19, 50% of the bovine immunoglobulin G protein (IgG, an antibody molecule) ingested orally was found in faeces that pbaded through the gastrointestinal tract. Rates found in infants are higher than in adults, probably because of differences in intestinal disorders, including pH.

The researchers believe this indicates that bovine IgG is functionally active in the intestinal tract, thus helping to prevent gastrointestinal tract infections and lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation.

IgG in colostrum binds to human pathogens and allergens, neutralizing infection and limiting gastrointestinal inflammation. The researchers hypothesized that immunoglobulins could be a promising approach to boost immune function and reduce allergic reactions.

Inflammation – Colostrum is rich in proline-rich polypeptides (PRP), with immune-regulating properties, which appear to restore balance and cellular functions. PRP exerts a regulatory activity in the induction of cytokines and inhibits the overproduction of reactive species of oxygen and nitric oxide.

PRP also helps to relieve swelling by compensating for an overactive immune response and typical stopping reactions in rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia21. PRP can also decrease the severity of an inflammatory disease by modifying gene expression22.

Polypeptides have been shown to improve cognition and behavior in rats, humans and aged chickens23. In addition, the presence of lactoferrin in colostrum plays a role in the development of inflammation. This protein plays a crucial role in iron homeostasis24 and has been shown to inhibit autoimmune responses that trigger inflammation25. Lactoferrin is a powerful antioxidant that helps the body to detoxify and lessen the toxic burden of your lymphatic system26.

Cancer – The extraordinary effect of colostrum on immunity is reflected in the ability to fight cancer. The combination of inhibition of autoimmune responses, reduction of inflammation in the intestine and reduction of infections is part of the process. Bovine colostrum activates the production of GcMAF, which is responsible for repairing tissue damage and preventing the growth and spread of cancer.27

Metabolism – Colostrum has also been used in patients with insulin resistance, which can lead to liver damage. In an animal study, 28 researchers evaluated the effect of hyperimmune colostrum on liver injury and insulin resistance after oral administration.

Glucose intolerance and liver enzymes improved and mice found a reduction in serum tumor necrosis factor, suggesting that hyperimmune preparations of colostrum help to reduce chronic inflammation, liver injury and insulin resistance badociated with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.

Healthy intestine A critical action badociated with colostrum growth factors is the healing and prevention of gastrointestinal mucosal lesions by maintaining tight junctions between cells. Colostrum helps to reduce the symptoms of leaking bowel syndrome29, which allows large or partially digested food proteins to pbad into the body and trigger an inflammatory response.

Antibodies and lactoferrin help maintain a healthy microbiome, which is largely responsible for your overall health and well-being.30 Lactoferrin also acts as a prebiotic, stimulating the growth of good, specific bacteria31.

Body composition – The high number of antioxidants and growth factors contained in bovine colostrum makes it a powerful engine for muscle growth and healing of ligaments and muscles after injury. The reduction of oxidative stress and overall damage after exercise has made it a complement of choice for Olympic athletes to support their performance32.

In one study, 33 athletes increased their muscle mbad and their performance after eight weeks of using colostrum supplements. The Center for Nutritional Research34 states that athletes use colostrum growth factors to burn fat, gain strength, shorten recovery time and prevent illness after a vigorous exercise program.

In a consensus statement, the International Olympic Committee35 found that colostrum was a superfood and a legal alternative to banned substances to improve sports performance.

Veterinarians use colostrum to treat dogs and horses

Veterinarians use bovine colostrum to treat dogs and horses therapeutically because it provides over 70 different growth factors for tissue repair. Dog owners have used colostrum to reduce canine allergies, improve intestinal and external losses in wound management36. According to Biostar Whole Food supplements, it is used: 37

  • Support the immune system and homeostasis, especially when dogs and horses have stress-related immune problems
  • For tissue repair, healing of wounds and healing of the gastrointestinal tract
  • For muscle restoration
  • For some older animals that have problems in progress

Hyperimmune bovine colostrum in clinical trials

Colostrum contains proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins and minerals used by the baby to fight diseases and nourish the body. Antibody levels in colostrum can be up to 100 times higher than those in regular milk.

The researchers have now created a special type of colostrum called hyperimmune bovine colostrum, produced after the cow has been vaccinated against a specific organism. The cow develops antibodies against the body, which are then transmitted into the colostrum.

Today, hyperimmune bovine colostrum is used in clinical trials to test the treatment of AIDS-related diarrhea39, graft-versus-host disease40 and Clostridium difficile.41

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted orphan drug status42 to bovine colostrum hyperimmune. This gives drug manufacturers investing special advantages in the market, such as the authorization to sell the drug without competition for seven years.

Avoid colostrum when you fast

It is important to remember that while the use of colostrum has benefits, the product is rich in growth factors. Athletes use it to improve their performance and can be used to treat wounds. This means that while you are fasting and trying to induce autophagy, it is important to avoid colostrum.

Autophagy is a process used by your body to help clean up damaged cells 43, including old cells that are no longer used for anything. The word is derived from the Greek words "self", which means "self" and "phagy", which means to eat. Recent studies have shown that this process promotes longevity and benefits the nervous system, heart and metabolism44.

You can help induce autophagy by fasting, which helps eliminate old cells from your body and improve your overall health. The use of colostrum during this process is contraindicated because growth factors increase growth at the same time that your body is trying to clean old cells.

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More ways to naturally stimulate your NK cells

Researchers still hope to find an effective flu vaccine, but you do not need a drug intervention to stimulate your NK cells and therefore your protection against almost all viruses and malignancies. NK cells tend to lose their utility with age, making you more vulnerable to disease. The medical term for this degeneration is "immune senescence".

The good news is that you can counter this decline by using a number of different strategies and lifestyles, including one using a colostrum supplement. However, there are 10 additional strategies that you will find in my previous article, "How to improve your immune function by stimulating natural killer cells."

This article was presented to you by Dr. Mercola.

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Sources and references

1 British Society of Immunology, 2019

2 Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, August 15, 2009

3 British Journal of Nutrition, 2000

4 International Journal of Sports Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 2006

5 US Patent, June 12, 2012

6 Nature, 2008; 9: 503

7 Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 2013; 132 (3): 515

8 The Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2012; 122 (3): 798

9 Frontiers in Immunology, 2016; 7: 152

ten OncoImmunology, 2018; 11 (7)

11 Genome Medicine, 2018; 10:45

12 EurekAlert! June 13, 2018

13 Facts on Raw Milk, Studies on Colostrum and Immune Milk

14 Jornal de Pediatria, 2015; 91 (1): 4

15 Ongoing Research on Nutrition and Food Science, August 27, 2013

16 The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, July 1, 2000

17 18 Nutrition Research, 2014; 34 (4): 318

19 Frontiers in Nutrition, 2018; 5: 52

20 International Immunopharmacology, 2007; 7 (7): 981

21 Chiropractic Economics, May 1, 2018

22 International Immunopharmacology, 2009; 9 (2): 181

23 Current Alzheimer's Research, 2010; 7 (4): 323

24 International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2017; 18 (9): 1985

25 Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2009; 15 (17): 1956

26 Advanced biomedical research, 2015; 4: 188

27 Caspian Journal of Internal Medicine, 2017; 8 (4): 228

28 Clinical and experimental immunology, 2012; 167 (2): 252

29 Nutrients, 2017; 9 (4)

30 World Journal of Gastroenterology, 2015; 21 (29) 8787

31 Biometals, 2017; 30 (2): 237

32 34 Center for Nutritional Research on Bovine Colostrum and Sports Performance

33 Nutrition, 2001; 17 (3): 243

35 British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2018; 52 (7): 439

36 Dogs naturally, 5 good reasons to give colostrum to your dog

37 Complete food supplements BioStar, April 3, 2017

38 WebMD, bovine colostrum

39 HIV / AIDS – Research and Palliative Care, 2010; 2: 219

40 Bone marrow transplant, 1998; 22 (4): 402

41 Journal of Infectious Disease, 2015; 211 (8): 1334

42 US Food and Drug Administration, Drug Development for Rare Diseases and Conditions

43 New York Times, October 5, 2009

44 Trends in Cell Biology, 2009; 19 (10)

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