Letter from Africa: "We are not cleaners" – sexism amidst protests in Sudan


Sudanese protesters gather in the twin town of Khartoum, Omdurman, on January 20, 2019,

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In our series of letters from African journalists, Zeinab Mohammed Salih explains why female protesters are angry with their male counterparts.

The anti – government protests in Sudan are steadfast despite the emergency situation introduced in February.

This is largely thanks to the efforts of the Sudanese Professionals' Association (ASP), which is organizing protests against President Omar al-Bashir's nearly 30-year regime.

The body represents health workers, lawyers and teachers, among others – even if some would say they are not women – although it is estimated that more than 70% of the demonstrators who have been on the street since December are women. .

The SPA started to stir by suggesting that instead of a day of protests scheduled for Saturday, March 9, people would rather go out to clean the streets.

The streets of the capital, Khartoum, are particularly muddy – and it was thought that proper storage would restore a sense of pride in the city.

Since the beginning of the protests, the SPA has been particularly praised for the beautiful language used in its statements calling for action.

However, in this case, she took the wrong tone: she particularly urged women to participate in the task, because they "cared more about cleaning".

Zeinab Mohammed Salih

The misstep of street cleaning began as anger against the badist attitudes of male protesters and burst into anger about the way women are treated in Sudanese society. "

The message provoked outrage from many protesters – and sparked a social media debate about the badism provoked by the uprising.

A day later, the SPA, whose spokesperson is a woman, offered a contrite apology.

These protests began in reaction to the rising price of bread – to become the most serious challenge to controlling Bashir's power since the Islamist-backed coup in 1989.

& # 39; We are not queens & # 39;

Similarly, the street cleaning stumble began as anger against the badist attitudes of the male protesters and burst with anger at the way women are treated in Sudanese society.

On social networks, comments such as "even women protested" were particularly controversial.

Protestant women are not a new phenomenon in Sudan. In 1946, 10 years before independence, the country's first female doctor, Khalida Zahir, took to the streets against the British regime and was arrested and beaten.

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Schoolgirls also took to the streets in anti-government demonstrations

Another sore point is the recent use of the word "Kandaka" to describe a protester.

Kandaka was the word used to refer to the queens of the ancient Kush kingdom that reigned over Sudan thousands of years ago.

The literal Arabic translation of the controversial SPA statement read: "When is the day of cleansing?" Saturday, Kandaka – yes, we are talking about you because you're sticking to that.

The disgust of the term is based on the fact that the protesters do not see themselves above the others: it is the people who take the same risks as everyone else.

The irony of the word also annoys others, as they say that there is no gender equality in this predominantly Muslim country where female bad mutilation is still practiced – nearly 90% of Sudanese women have been circumcised.

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Women of all ages and backgrounds have demonstrated – some on the front, others in front of their homes, sheltering those fleeing live ammunition or tear gas.

They also served protesters with food and drinks.

& # 39; The time has come & # 39;

Images have also circulated on social media from famous men who support the government and have criticized the protests, making fun of them by feminizing their faces on Photoshop. The implication is that they are cowards.

This led a group of feminists to launch a campaign entitled "Waqto wa naso", meaning "The time has come", calling for the denunciation of such badist attitudes.

According to the No To Women oppression group, between 40,000 and 50,000 women are arrested and flogged each year by police for violating the country's law and order law pbaded by Mr. Bashir's government. .

The law governs what women can wear – they may, for example, be flogged to wear clothes such as pants considered indecent or simply to go out with men who are not their family.

Law and order laws in Sudan

  • Article 152 of the Criminal Code applies to "indecent acts" in public
  • This may include wearing an "obscene outfit" or "causing embarrbadment to the public's feelings"
  • Women must wear a headscarf and can not wear trousers
  • Every year, between 40,000 and 50,000 women are arrested and badped by the Public Order Police because of their clothes.
  • Under this law, women have also been accused of being alone with a man
  • People can also be accused of drinking alcohol under these laws

It is interesting to note that at the beginning of this month, a court canceled the flogging sentences handed down against nine women accused of participating in protests.

And the cleaning day in Khartoum took place – with the participation of men and women.

These could perhaps be seen as signs of change in women's time in Sudan

More letters from Africa:

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