Compression-Only CPR Increases Survival in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest – ScienceDaily


A Swedish review of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest data shows that per-view CPR rates have almost doubled; compression only (or hand CPR) has increased six-fold over a period of 18 years; and the chances of survival have been doubled for all forms of CPR compared to the lack of CPR, according to a new study published in the American Heart Association Journal circulation.

Due to the emergence of CPR with compression only as an alternative to standard CPR – chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth breaths, researchers have badyzed the impact of the CPR technique to the simpler hand and the badociation between the type of CPR performed and the patient's survival for 30 days.

"We found a significantly higher CPR rate for each year, which was badociated with higher rates of CPR compression alone," said Gabriel Riva, MD, Ph.D. student at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, in Sweden, and first author of the study. "Witnesses have an important role to play in off-hospital cardiac arrest and their actions can save lives."

"CPR in its simplest form is only chest compressions – doing only chest compressions doubles the chances of survival, instead of doing nothing," he said.

Riva noted that the guidelines in Sweden encourage CPR with badisted breathing by trained and competent people, but it is unclear if this is better than hands-free resuscitation by pbaders-by. A randomized trial under way in Sweden is currently trying to answer this question.

"This is important because CPR practiced by pbadersby before the arrival of emergency services is one of the most important factors for the survival of cardiac arrest outside hospital. Increasing CPR rates by simplifying the CPR algorithm for viewers can increase overall survival, "he added. I said.

According to statistics from the American Heart Association, more than 325,000 cardiac arrests occur each year outside of the United States hospital. Cardiac arrest is the sudden loss of heart function, can occur abruptly and is often fatal if appropriate action is not taken immediately.

This national study involving data from the Swedish registry on a third party witnessed a cardiac arrest outside the hospital involving 30,445 patients. Overall, 40% of patients did not use third-party CPR, 39% had standard CPR, and 20% only reduced.

The researchers examined three periods – from 2000 to 2005, from 2006 to 2010, and from 2011 to 2017 – during which CPR with compression alone was gradually adopted in accordance with Swedish guidelines in this area.

The researchers found patients who received:

  • Adolescent CPR rates increased from 40.8% in 2000-2005 to 58.8% in 2006-2010, and to 68.2% in 2011-2017.
  • Standard CPR rates were 35.4% in the first period, increased to 44.8% in the second period, and increased to 38.1% in the third period.
  • Hands-free CPR increased from 5.4% in the first period to 14% in the second period and 30.1% in the third period.
  • Patients receiving standard and hand-only CPR were twice as likely to survive 30 days as patients receiving no CPR for all periods.

The study is based on observational data collected over time, which presents a risk of erroneous calculation of rescue breaths and chest compressions at the time of arrival of emergency medical services and missing data from other variables. Since the study was conducted in Sweden, the results might not be generalized to other countries.

The results suggest that CPR with compression alone is an option in CPR guidelines because it is badociated with increased CPR rates and overall survival in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and is consistent with previous findings reported in the United States and Japan.

The American Heart Association says that immediate CPR can double or triple the chances of survival after cardiac arrest. Keeping the blood flow active – even partially – increases the chances of successful resuscitation once qualified medical personnel arrive at the site.

"I noticed how much the audience was becoming more receptive when it discovered the benefits and potential of CPR, especially the CPR method for hands only," said Manny Medina, paramedic and volunteer at the AHA. "Over the past ten years, I've continued to hear stories from people of all ages who were learning CPR and who had to put these skills into practice to save someone who was dear to them." C & # 39; is so easy to learn and continues to prove very effective when it is used at the hospital outside. "

Researchers have stated that more research is needed to determine whether standard CPR with compression and respiratory breathing offers a greater benefit, compared to compression CPR alone in cases where those present who provided help had already followed. training in CPR.

Source of the story:

Material provided by American Heart Association. Note: Content can be changed for style and length.

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