What is the best for burning fat?


Rewind a few years and a renowned chef was asking one in two to try the Paleo diet. Now there are the Paleo coffees that serve bacon and eggs cooked in coconut oil, almond milk and raw protein pellets (as if the caveman had invented all these preparations).

Nowadays, you are certain to have noticed that more and more people are trying out a new fad of low carb: the famous Keto diet.

If you're like me, you probably roll eyes – what will happen next? But if you are considering one or the other, you must first consider some key elements.


The Paleo diet is sold as the hunter-gatherer diet of our caveman ancestors – it is rich in protein, thanks to the emphasis on meat, seafood, eggs, nuts and nuts. seeds (and luckily for the Paleo fanatics, not the traditional bison, ostriches and insects that cavemen were used to). In addition, the rotation of fruits and vegetables is high and the focus is on fats such as avocado and coconut oil.

Although not strictly low in carbohydrates, most foods rich in carbohydrates like cereals (eg, bread, rolled oats and rice), legumes and dairy products (milk and yogurt) are on the menu.


Unless you live under a rock, you will know most of the keto diet now. In a nutshell, it's a very low carbohydrate diet, high in fat and protein. If you say goodbye to most cereals, starchy foods, fruits and dairy products, you have the basics. This is quite similar to the Paleo diet, with some differences.

Yes, it's another diet that avoids the dreaded word "c" (carbs, guys) – but its carbohydrate content is so low that it forces your body into a state of "ketosis". This means that your body stops using carbohydrates as the main source of fuel and instead uses fats, which produce 'ketone bodies' (that's where the name comes from).

In addition, contrary to the moderate fat content of the Paleo diet, the ketogenic diet is rich in fat.

The verdict

Let's start with the positives. The Paleo diet avoids a lot of highly processed foods, which is why I am, because most of the time these foods are high in energy and are full of kilojoules, fat, sugar or sodium (or a combination of all four). ). It also emphasizes many fruits and vegetables, which gives it another advantage. In the same way, the ketogenic diet also contains non-starchy vegetables – but unfortunately, that's where the responsibility stops with regard to my positive opinion.

Whatever the diet, there are several risks of nutrient deficiencies. Fiber for a healthy gut is an example because the majority of cereal-based foods are on the list of "forbidden foods". Super healthy legumes are not allowed either, and they are filled with fiber that adores the intestines (they also have many health benefits). Another point of contention is the possible lack of calcium. If dairy products are banned, the health of your bones and teeth can suffer. In addition, the importance of high fat consumption may pose a risk to heart health, especially if the diet is rich in unhealthy saturated foods (such as coconut oil, for example).

So, while clever marketing tricks can make you believe that these diets will cure all your health problems – I have serious concerns. If I had to choose, I would recommend starting with some principles of the paleo diet (read: more fruits and vegetables, less processed foods) – and incorporate them into a more balanced approach to food.

Melissa Meier is an online registered dietitian based in Sydney. You can contact her at www.honestnutrition.com.au or on Instagram @honest_nutrition.

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