AMD presents Ryzen 3000, Radeon Navi and Epyc 2 at Computex 2019


AMD Epyc 2 Zen Zen Lisa Su
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AMD President Lisa Su delivers the inaugural address of Computex 2019 with new products including Ryzen 3000, Radeon Navi and Epyc 2.

AMD President Lisa Su presents inaugural address at Computex 2019

TAITRA, the organizer of Computex 2019, announced today in a press release that AMD President Lisa Su was giving an introductory speech on the occasion of the announcement. opening of Taipei Technology Show. The conference will be titled "The Next Generation of High Performance Computing" and will take place on May 27, 2019 at 10:00 am local time (4:00 am in Germany).

COMPUTEX, one of the most important technology fairs in the world, has been in existence for more than 30 years. This year's keynote address will be presented for the first time at the international press conference prior to the show, "said Walter Yeh, President and CEO of TAITRA," Dr. Lisa Su received a special invitation to give a overview of the next generation of high performance computing. We look forward to your participation, encouraging more companies to participate in COMPUTEX, bringing the latest industry insights and sharing the infinite potential of the technological ecosystem on this global stage.

Computex Press Release, translated by PC Builder & # 39; s Club

That AMD is organizing a presentation at Computex is not unusual. This year, however, the keynote address will take place for the first time. The press release also reveals what AMD will discuss in concrete terms.

AMD presents Ryzen 3000, Radeon Navi and Epyc 2

The Computex press release also contains a paragraph dealing with upcoming products. Literally called Epyc 2, Ryzen 3000 and Radeon Navi, called future products. During the conference, Lisa Su will present details of these upcoming products to other senior guests.

Next-generation products include AMD EPYC ™ 7nm data center processors, third-generation AMD Ryzen ™ desktop processors, and next-generation "Navi" graphics cards, all designed to deliver exceptional experience and solutions for players and developers. contribute to many of the most difficult challenges of our lives. During the speech of the CEO, Dr. Ing. Lisa Su and other high-profile guests will present new details about upcoming products and show how the industry is creating a new high-performance computer ecosystem that takes technology to the next level.

Computex Press Release, translated by PC Builder & # 39; s Club

This makes it almost certain that AMD will present the new generation Ryzen Ryzen 3000, Epyc 2 and Radeon Navi at Computex, or at least provide more details. A presentation on Computex would also be a rumbling launch on July 7th. That day, the Ryzen 3000 processors, including X570 motherboards and Radeon Navi graphics cards, could already be on sale. On the Computex, motherboard manufacturers could then present their first X570 motherboards. The meeting at the show could also be the official start date for the Epyc 2 processors, from which samples already in circulation and benchmarks have been filtered. In two good months, we know more anyway.

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