The new K-Pop group thinks equally about America and Korea

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On March 24, 2019, ATEEZ will perform during his US Expedition tour in Warsaw, Brooklyn, New York.

KQ Entertainment

There is no doubt that the K-pop scene is hotter than ever in America, but how can a new act succeed in riding this already gigantic wave? If you are ATEEZ, you start very early.

The eight-member boys group officially started only in November 2018 and has only two EPs in its name, but attracted such international attention that the demand was & nbsp;as well& nbsp; High to ignore when it comes to touring opportunities abroad. Team up with the concert-kickstarter website MyMusicTaste, which brilliantly allows fans around the world to ask artists to come to their city, allowing artists to know where their most active fans live. ATEEZ has won five American and ten European performances for its 2019 Expedition tour. But in an unexpected move, MyMusicTaste shared with Forbes this interest and demand in the tour went up once the dates are confirmed (which usually does not happen & nbsp; since not all fans who ask an artist to visit the venue do not generally buy tickets after factors like expenses and This time, the demand had become so important that the modest venues that the original crowdfunders were willing to pay seemed potentially too tiny on the day of the show.

The result was an intimate tour that gave the lucky audience a rare chance to see ATEEZ play their electrically charged hip-hop / dance hybrid music for the first time in America, and to get to know the guys better. is. With only 10 songs technically in their name – although 10 extremely promising songs from the EDM aggression compressed the first single "Pirate King" at the high energy, ambiance of the house of album cut "Promise"-Hongjoong, Mingi, Seonghwa, Yunho, San, Yeosang, Wooyoung and Jongho did not just play for the fans, they let them into their team work. Part of their 45-minute tour devoted tour was essential, but also moments of interaction in the crowd where ATEZ fans, fondly nicknamed ATINY, could see how they behaved in ways that direct by launching many jokes about the friends' players with whom, a handful of backhugs and a thank-you section addressed to all participants, from ATINY to their makeup artists and CEO of the company.

The day after the official end of the Expedition Tour's American tour in Brooklyn, Warsaw, the guys prove that their affection, as well as their gratitude, was not limited to the show. Expressing themselves in their TriBeCa hotel, the guys are sitting in the manner of a group, comfortable enough to lay their hands on the lap of their colleagues or throw themselves into each other's arms while talking . They knew that social media interested them more and more (in particular, dancer-singer San said that online conversations had excited him to come abroad), but they & nbsp;I am always impressed by the reaction of these nine days of touring. & nbsp; In their own words, ATEEZ explains to Forbes their thoughts to end this major career moment, detail their broader state of mind and their goals as a group, and share more information about each other.

Jeff Benjamin: Congratulations on finishing your first tour in the United States! How do you feel now?

Hongjoong: I can say that it was incredible. Except in Los Angeles, we have never been here [America]We have never visited another city, we have never promoted here. But we have known so much love and we already have so much ATINY? It's amazing. I hope we can come back and that one day we will be able to properly promote our new album in Los Angeles and New York. In addition, we have a lot of inspiration during our stay to take the opportunity to inspire our [next] concept in Korea.

Benjamin: I remember watching your pre-start videos filmed under L.A. when you were known as "KQ Fellaz." What was L.A.'s visit like a fully realized group?

Seonghwa: We actually went to the same place [hip-hop studio Millennium Dance Complex] We visited last time, which brought back memories. I think the most memorable part was finding the dance teachers.

Yunho:& nbsp; We showed that we had grown a lot. When they met with us, they did not know who we were and we were not known as "HATE." But we were proud to show them a scene, our band, like ATEEZ, really finished.

Hongjoong: & nbsp;They also came to our show. & Nbsp;We also gave them our first album – our own album! – and they were so proud of us and we loved that.

Benjamin: Any regrets on this tour? & Nbsp;

Yeosang: If I could speak English better, I could communicate a little better with my ATINY, but maybe that could be the & nbsp; hotspot where I am now able to learn more.

Benjamin: Speaking of English, I found really remarkable that the first title of your first album & nbsp;Treasury EP.1: All at zero, "Intro: Long Journey,"& nbsp; is all in English. Does this speak to an international state of mind for the group?

Hongjoong: We had an international mentality even when we were trainees. At the moment, K-pop is very, very popular, even more so than in the past. So we already had an international mentality. Even before our arrival, we had published dance practice videos, cover videos, and choreography videos. At that time, many international fans saw it and gave us a lot of positive comments. So when we finally made our debut, we thought, "If we have the chance, we will go to America, Europe or other countries. [countries]"It was not a problem or a burden to come here for us, and our label has the same feeling.But you said our intro," Long Journey, "everything is in English. any song, if this mood can be expressed only in English, there was a purpose to that and that is why& nbsp; we also made a video. But our other songs are in Korean. We think of both countries.

Benjamin: If this is your state of mind, what are your main goals as ATEEZ?

Mingi: & nbsp;This year we hope that ATEEZ will be able to spread all over the world. But in the long run, our goal is that when you search for "ONE" on the search engine like Google or Naver, ATEEZ is the first result – better than Apple! [Laughs]

Hongjoong:& nbsp; I can not say our plans yet … but the next album, I do not know when it will be released, but it will be an extraordinary gift for our fans and our audience. You can certainly expect that. But above all, we want our ATINY to know that we know that they are working so hard and we thank them for having so hard worked.

Benjamin: The interest of growing up definitely. I have reported on how & nbsp; when you released your second album, Treasury EP.2: Zero to oneand sales of EP.1 actually grown up so that both appear & nbsp; on the Display panel graphics. Do you feel more looks watching you now compared to your debut?

Wooyoung: When we shared our performance video for the first time[de[of”HALA HALA (Cœurs réveillés, vivants)”]and it has been seen more than a million times and we were very proud of it. And then "Say my name" We had even more points of view and we felt like the motivation to work even harder. I am really grateful for that.

Benjamin: Introduce us through the creative process of ATEEZ.

Hongjoong: Agree, we already have an internal producer EDEN and many employees working in different sections of the company communicate a lot with us and give us a lot of feedback. We always practice and create with our comments in mind, but they also listen to our comments so that we can communicate with each other a lot to participate in the creation. But I am still writing my own leads with plans that will be published on the day.

Benjamin: Your own tracks, as in solo music?

Hongjoong: No, no, I write for the entire team. I never write solo music. Mingi and I participate in the lyrics because we need our words and we need our opinions in our songs. We participate in many steps of the creative process and we will continue to participate more and more. Maybe more members will be too? These days, I'm just involved in production, but someday, maybe other members will be able to participate because I think they all really have talent. When we record, they have a lot of good opinions, so I could see them getting involved in writing songs.

You talk a lot about your staff and your company, and I also noticed it at the concert thanking all KQ Entertainment staff, MyMusicTaste, and even pointing to your CEO. How do you support yourself and work with each other?

Wooyoung: The CEO always says, "You go down your road. "TThe chemistry between us and the bosses is really good because we communicate all the time. & nbsp;Of course, we wish that he could be proud of us, and vice versa.

Mingi: It's a bit like a family, not like a business.

Hongjoong: Well, because a lot of people know that our business is not great, but I think it's a good point. They always focus on us so that we can do things for us and then we can see our boss celebrating us. We can do it because they focus on us and have a sincere interest in seeing us succeed. We can not be here without them, we know it.

One of my favorite pieces of ATEEZ is "Promise" and if you had to make a promise to ATINY, what would you say to them?

Seonghwa: It's also one of my favorite songs and I wish to make the promise that ATINY knows, no matter where we go, that ATINY is with us and that no matter what kind of difficulties we are experiencing we can overcome them all. together.

While you sold your first US tour, people are always learning more about ATEEZ. Finally, I want new fans to get to know you through your eyes. In your own words, can you introduce and share something special about another member?

Seonghwa on San: He's cute, he hits the stage with a lot of charisma, but I think it's the most fun of the group when we are all together. He is like the comedian when it's just us in private.

Yunho on Wooyoung: He gives a bady aura on stage, but off stage, he is very playful and very cool. But what you may not know is that its skin is very scalable! He is very skinny and only his face and his neck have this skin very extensible! He needs to go to a variety show [Laughs] or enter the Guinness Book of Records.

San in Yeosang: What people may not know about him, is that he really thinks about others. For example, he will always put someone else in front of him, whatever happens. It's like, "You first and you first and you first!" He will always go out of the way of someone and put someone first. This is a nice boy.

Jongho on Mingi: He is charismatic with his low voice and, even though he is the greatest, when we are in our dormitory or our studio, he is like the youngest, like the maknae. He would say no, but the rest of the committee members agree that he acts like a little kid when it's just us, like a curious little boy. [Laughs]

Yeosang on Jongho: Although he sings very well, he is very strong, but he is very afraid of small insects. Everything and every type of bug.

Mingi on Yunho: We have been together for five years as friends, he is a joker, but it is he who brings everyone together, no matter what we do. Just like Yeosang, he is also looking for other people so we can all do things together. A bit like an energy producer, it's a good way to say it.

Wooyoung on Hongjoong: Hongjoong is our chef and our oldest member, but he is usually very cute! Whenever we talk, he gets involved with the question and asks questions like he knew what was going on, even if he did not know it! [Laughs] He is like a puppy, except that no one calls him. This is the cutest member.

Hongjoong on Seonghwa: Wow, thank you my members. [Laughs[Laughs[Desrires[Laughs]Whatever it is, I think Seonghwa is so clean. We share a dorm room and he always cleans our room. He usually cleans for me, but sometimes he says: "Hongjoong! Clean, please! Clean!!!"I think I clean well, but he tells me to clean up, and even when I'm tired, he always tells me to clean up. & Nbsp;It takes about an hour to clean up. But & nbsp;it's a good friend.

The expedition circuit of ATEEZ The European race will start in London tomorrow April 3rd and last until April 21st. The conversation has been modified and condensed for clarity.


On March 24, 2019, ATEEZ will perform during his US Expedition tour in Warsaw, Brooklyn, New York.

KQ Entertainment

There is no doubt that the K-pop scene is hotter than ever in America, but how can a new act succeed in riding this already gigantic wave? If you are ATEEZ, you start very early.

The eight-member boys group officially started only in November 2018 and has only two EPs in its name, but has attracted such international attention that the demand has been expressed. as well High to ignore when it comes to touring opportunities abroad. Teaming up with MyMusicTaste, a website dedicated to concerts, which allows fans around the world to ask artists to come and settle in their city, allowing them to see where their most active fans live. Tower. But in an unexpected move, MyMusicTaste shared with Forbes this interest and demand in the tour actually went up after confirmation of dates – which is not usually the case, as all fans who ask artists to go to the scene usually buy tickets after factors such as expenses and life events. This time, the demand had become so important that the modest venues that the original crowdfunders were willing to pay seemed potentially too tiny on the day of the show.

The result was an intimate tour that gave the lucky audience a rare chance to see ATEEZ play their electrically charged hip-hop / dance hybrid music for the first time in America, and to get to know the guys better. is. With only 10 songs technically in their name – though 10 extremely promising songs, ranging from the EDM aggression of the first single "Pirate King" to the powerful energy of the album "Promise" – Hongjoong, Mingi, Seonghwa Yunho, San, Yeosang, Wooyoung and Jongho not only played for the fans, but let them into their teamwork. A 45 minute Q & A portion of their tour was essential, but moments of interaction with the crowd also allowed ATETE fans – affectionately known as ATINY – to see how they operate themselves. , with many jokes about their friends. , a handful of backhugs and a thank-you section extending from ATINY to the makeup artists and CEO of the company.

The day after the official end of the Expedition Tour's American tour in Brooklyn, Warsaw, the guys prove that their affection, as well as their gratitude, was not limited to the show. Expressing themselves in their TriBeCa hotel, the guys are sitting in the manner of a group, comfortable enough to lay their hands on the lap of their colleagues or throw themselves into each other's arms while talking . They knew that social media interested them more and more (in particular, dancer-singer San said that online conversations had excited her to come abroad), but they did I am always impressed by the reaction they have had during these nine days of touring. In their own words, ATEEZ explains to Forbes their thoughts to end this major career moment, detail their broader state of mind and their goals as a group, and share more information about each other.

Jeff Benjamin: Congratulations on finishing your first tour in the United States! How do you feel now?

Hongjoong: I can say that it was incredible. Except in Los Angeles, we have never been here [America]We have never visited another city, we have never promoted here. But we have known so much love and we already have so much ATINY? It's amazing. I hope we can come back and that one day we will be able to properly promote our new album in Los Angeles and New York. In addition, we have a lot of inspiration during our stay to take the opportunity to inspire our [next] concept in Korea.

Benjamin: I remember watching your pre-start videos filmed under the name "KQ Fellaz". What was L.A.'s visit like a fully realized group?

Seonghwa: We actually went to the same place [hip-hop studio Millennium Dance Complex] we visited last time, which brought back memories. I think the most memorable part was finding the dance teachers.

Yunho: We have shown that we have grown a lot. When they met us, they did not know who we were and we were not known as "ATEEZ". But we were proud to show them a scene, our band, like ATEEZ, really finished.

Hongjoong: They came to our show too. We also gave them our first album – our own album! – and they were so proud of us and we loved that.

Benjamin: Any regrets on this tour?

Yeosang: If I could speak English better, I could communicate a little better with my ATINY, but maybe it could be the tipping point where I can now learn more.

Benjamin: Speaking of English, I found really remarkable that the first title of your first album Treasury EP.1: All at zero, "Intro: Long Journey" is all in English. Does this speak to an international state of mind for the group?

Hongjoong: We had an international mentality even when we were trainees. At the moment, K-pop is very, very popular, even more so than in the past. So we already had an international mentality. Even before our arrival, we had published dance practice videos, cover videos, and choreography videos. At that time, many international fans saw it and gave us a lot of positive comments. So when we finally made our debut, we thought, "If we're lucky, we'll go to America, Europe or other countries." [countries]"It was not a problem or a burden to come here for us, and our label feels the same way, but you said our intro," Long Journey, "is all in English. song, if this vibration can be expressed with only English, then there was a purpose to that and that is why we also made a video. But our other songs are in Korean. We think of both countries.

Benjamin: If this is your state of mind, what are your main goals as ATEEZ?

Mingi: This year we hope that ATEEZ will be able to spread all over the world. But in the long run, our goal is that when you do an "A" search on a search engine such as Google or Naver, ATEEZ is the first result, better than Apple! [Laughs]

Hongjoong: I can not say our plans yet … but the next album, I do not know when it will be released, but it will be amazing and a great gift for our fans and our audience. You can certainly expect that. But above all, we want our ATINY to know that we know that they are working so hard and we thank them for having so hard worked.

Benjamin: The interest of growing up definitely. I reported how when you released your second album, Treasury EP.2: Zero to oneand sales of EP.1 actually grew up as well as both appeared on the Display panel graphics. Do you feel more looks watching you now compared to your debut?

Wooyoung: When we shared our performance video [of “HALA HALA (Hearts Awakened, Live Alive)”] and it has been seen more than a million times and we were very proud of it. And then "Say My Name" had even more points of view, and we felt the motivation we needed to work even harder. I am really grateful for that.

Benjamin: Introduce us through the creative process of ATEEZ.

Hongjoong: Agree, we already have an internal producer EDEN and many employees working in different sections of the company communicate a lot with us and give us a lot of feedback. We always practice and create with our comments in mind, but they also listen to our comments, so we have a lot of communication with each other when it comes to participating in the creation. But I always write my own tracks with plans that one day it will be released.

Benjamin: Your own tracks, as in solo music?

Hongjoong: No, no, I write for the entire team. I never write solo music. Mingi and I participate in the lyrics because we need our words and we need our opinions in our songs. We participate in many steps of the creative process and we will continue to participate more and more. Maybe more members will be too? These days, I'm just involved in production, but someday, maybe other members will be able to participate because I think they all really have talent. When we record, they have a lot of good opinions, so I could see them getting involved in writing songs.

You talk a lot about your staff and your company, and I also noticed it at the concert thanking all KQ Entertainment staff, MyMusicTaste, and even pointing to your CEO. How do you support yourself and work with each other?

Wooyoung: The CEO always says, "You are going to fall your road. "TThe chemistry between us and the bosses is really good because we communicate all the time. Of course, we wish that he could be proud of us, and vice versa.

Mingi: It's a bit like a family, not like a business.

Hongjoong: Well, because a lot of people know that our business is not great, but I think it's a good point. They always focus on us so that we can do things for us and then we can see our boss celebrating us. We can do it because they focus on us and have a sincere interest in seeing us succeed. We can not be here without them, we know it.

"Promise" is one of my favorite pieces of ATE and if you had to make a promise to ATINY, what would you say to them?

Seonghwa: It's also one of my favorite songs and I wish to make the promise that ATINY knows, no matter where we go, that ATINY is with us and that no matter what kind of difficulties we are experiencing we can overcome them all. together.

While you sold your first US tour, people are always learning more about ATEEZ. Finally, I want new fans to get to know you through your eyes. In your own words, can you introduce and share something special about another member?

Seonghwa on San: He's cute, he hits the stage with a lot of charisma, but I think it's the most fun of the group when we are all together. He is like the comedian when it's just us in private.

Yunho on Wooyoung: He gives a bady aura on stage, but off stage, he is very playful and very cool. But what you may not know is that its skin is very scalable! He is very skinny and only his face and his neck have this skin very extensible! He needs to go to a variety show [Laughs] or enter the Guinness Book of Records.

San in Yeosang: What people may not know about him, is that he really thinks about others. For example, he will always put someone else in front of him, whatever happens. It's like, "You first and you first and you first!" He will always go out of the way of someone and put someone first. This is a nice boy.

Jongho on Mingi: He is charismatic with his low voice and, even though he is the greatest, when we are in our dormitory or our studio, he is like the youngest, like the maknae. He would say no, but the rest of the committee members agree that he acts like a little kid when it's just us, like a curious little boy. [Laughs]

Yeosang on Jongho: Although he sings very well, he is very strong, but he is very afraid of small insects. Everything and every type of bug.

Mingi on Yunho: We have been together for five years as friends, he is a joker, but it is he who brings everyone together, no matter what we do. Just like Yeosang, he is also looking for other people so we can all do things together. A bit like an energy producer, it's a good way to say it.

Wooyoung on Hongjoong: Hongjoong is our chef and our oldest member, but he is usually very cute! Whenever we talk, he gets involved with the question and asks questions like he knew what was going on, even if he did not know it! [Laughs] He is like a puppy, except that no one calls him. This is the cutest member.

Hongjoong on Seonghwa: Wow, thank you my members. [Laughs[Laughs[Desrires[Laughs]Whatever it is, I think Seonghwa is so clean. We share a dorm room and he always cleans our room. He usually cleans for me, but sometimes he says, "Hongjoong! Clean, please! Clean!!!"I think I clean well, but he tells me to clean up, and even when I'm tired, he always tells me to clean up." It takes about an hour to clean up. But it's a good friend.

The ATEEZ expedition tour begins its European tour in London, April 3, and will continue until April 21. The conversation has been modified and condensed for clarity.

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