Emilia Clarke, star of "Game of Thrones", describes how to survive a cerebral hemorrhage


Emilia Clarke recently wrote an editorial for The new yorker, detailing how she survived two brain haemorrhages during filming Game of thrones. In the article, Clarke wrote that after his first hemorrhages, he was diagnosed with meningeal hemorrhage, a serious form of stroke.

Clarke spoke to Stephen Colbert about what it was like to survive a brain hemorrhage and how the experience changed his view of life.

Colbert asked her if she was aware that she had a bleeding. "Oh, you know, yeah you know, you know," Clarke said. "The easiest way to describe it is that it's the worst headache that a human being can possibly undergo."

"I honestly knew that my brain was damaged, I do not know how," she continued. "You are incredibly sick, you have this incredibly horrible, horrible headache and to be violently ill."

Clarke also talked about her feelings after the diagnosis. "Being completely honest, it has made me petrify most of the time," she said. "I'd like to be able to stay here and say that I was like, let's go jump a plane." […]

"At some point, you start to realize how lucky you are.The perspective that gives you is huge."

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