Diabetic insulin program from Cigna, Express Scripts offers a price of $ 25


Insulin is a product that saves the lives of many people with diabetes. She is also extremely expensive.

Some patients have not been able to pay their prescriptions or have been forced to ration their stock in a risky way.

A new program of Health Express Scripts, owned by the health insurance company Cigna, aims to change this situation by limiting the maximum amount paid by people with diabetes for a provision of one month to $ 25.

Today, Express Scripts patients pay an average of US $ 41, but those who benefit from a "high deductible" health care plan are often exposed to even higher costs. This change could apply to more than 700,000 people, and would particularly benefit those who benefit from high-deductible plans, potentially saving them an average of $ 750 or more.

The company came up with this idea: "We have people with insulin diabetes who are struggling to afford insulin," said Dr. Glen Stettin, Express Scripts Director of Innovation. "And we see an opportunity to do something about it."

According to the American Diabetes Association, six million Americans consume insulin daily, and the rising cost of insulin has become a major problem for them. Frequent price fluctuations also make it difficult for people with diabetes to plan for their future.

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The issue has also attracted congressional attention. The Senate Finance Committee called Cigna / Express Scripts and similar companies appeared at a hearing on April 9 on the price of drugs, where they might face tough questions.

When asked about this, Stettin said that the timing of the new program was "fortuitous", but that this initiative has been under way for "some time". Express Scripts has also launched other diabetes programs in recent years, including one, "Inside Rx," aimed at uninsured and underinsured patients, he said.

Who is and is not eligible

Importantly, the new program is only available to companies that outsource Express Scripts to negotiate drug prices. Express Scripts is the largest player in the country.

Those who benefit from health insurance under government programs such as Medicare and Medicaid will not be eligible. Employers will also have to join the program, but Stettin says most employers will not bear any additional costs.

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Express Scripts has been able to negotiate with insulin manufacturers to make this program possible, Stettin said. The company is collaborating with drug manufacturers – including Eli Lilly, Novo Nordisk and Sanofi – to make all forms of insulin available, but does not yet have a specific list of products.

And the combined efforts of the $ 67 billion merger of the two companies last year facilitated negotiations, he added.

"We are able to do some things in a coordinated way that really helps us in our discussions with pharmaceutical manufacturers, and this is an example," Stettin said.

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