Emilia Clarke from Game Of Thrones used Dothraki to get her through an aneurysm


Emilia Clarke spoke in more detail about the horror of her cerebral aneurysm and revealed that Game Of Thrones' Dothraki language could have saved her life.

The actress, who plays the series Mother Of Dragons, Daenerys Targaryen, revealed in an interview that she had undergone two separate aneurysms during the 10-year shoot of the series.

But in a handy spell of luck, and a lot of quick thinking on her part, the characters' language of her character proved essential to keep her conscious when one of the aneurysms hit.

Sending to Stephen Colbert, she said, "I honestly knew that my brain was damaged. I do not know how. I have to be in some … you are incredibly sick and you have this horrible, just horrible headache and being violently sick. & # 39;

Realizing what was happening to her, she said, "That's why I just tried to stay as active as possible. Move my fingers, my toes and my hands … ask me questions – Dothraki lines, sincerely trying, really to remember – really trying to force my memory as much as I could to stay conscious. & # 39;

The shocked host, Stephen, said that he had found it amazing that she knew what to do automatically to survive.

"The mind is an extraordinary thing," she added. "I just knew, and I did not know [to die] aujourd & # 39;. hui & # 39;

Emilia had two cerebral aneurysms while shooting Game Of Thrones (Photo: HBO)

In a painfully open room for the New Yorker, Emilia admitted that the pain was so unbearable that she was considering asking the medical staff to "unplug the plug" if necessary.

He was diagnosed with meningeal hemorrhage, a life-threatening stroke caused by bleeding in the area around the brain.

According to the actress, a third of patients with HSA die immediately or shortly after the rupture of the aneurysm.

More: Game of thrones

As a result, she underwent a three-hour "mini-invasive operation" that did not require opening the skull, but admitted that "the pain was unbearable" upon waking.

Since she spoke of her ordeal, the other stars of Emilia have congratulated her courage, transmitting their love and wishes.

Game Of Thrones will be back on April 14 on HBO and Sky Atlantic.

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