Online purchases officially exceed in-store sales


  • Non-store sales for the first time broke sales of general merchandise in physical stores in February.
  • According to the Bespoke Investment Group, this is the culmination of a trend that has been developing for years.
  • For companies trying to survive the apocalypse of the retail business, this is strikingly reminiscent of the importance of digital sales.

This will not surprise those who want to rely on Amazon Prime, but online shopping is here to stay.

The Bespoke Investment Group pointed out that in February, non-store retail sales, known as "clicks", accounted for 11.813% of total sales in the United States. At the same time, general merchandise – or "bricks" – accounted for 11.807% of total sales. This is the first time in the world that online sales exceed traditional sales, according to the firm.

This is not a major difference, as emphasized by the Bespoke Investment Group in its April 2 badysis: "Of course, we had to have three decimal places, so the difference margin is extremely small."

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Nevertheless, the group has also published a graph showing how the share of retail sales has changed since 1992. Non-store "click" purchases have been steadily increasing since the 1990s, while sales of "brick" merchandise various have decreased since 2009.

This trend could represent a turning point in the apocalypse of the current retail business, which risks devastating all retailers who fail to adapt to the ever-changing purchasing environment.

In February, retail sales in the United States declined 0.2%, a sign of an economic slowdown. But the good news continues to affect retailers other than the stores, like the online giant Amazon. According to the US Department of Commerce, this sector recorded sales growth of 0.9% for the month and 10% for the year.

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