The abdication becomes more common in the modern era


As medical technology improves and longevity increases, the concept of lifelong duty gradually erodes and abdications become more and more acceptable and frequent.

Here are some other recent abdications.

Not habemus papam

On February 11, 2013, Pope Benedict XVI stunned the world by announcing that he was retiring for health reasons, the first pontiff to have abdicated for medical reasons in 700 years.

In a speech in Latin at the Vatican, Benedict, born in Germany and aged 85, told the Cardinals that "because of his advanced age," his strength "was no longer suitable for proper exercise" of his post.

Benoît, who was suffering from arthritis and suffered a stroke while he was still cardinal, finally stepped aside on February 28, setting off a wave of emotion among the 1.2 billion Catholics worldwide.

The only Pope to give up because he considered himself unable to continue was Celestine V, a simple hermit elected against his will in 1294.

His decision to backtrack caused derision and the Italian poet Dante Alighieri in particular condemned him in "The Divine Comedy" to spend eternity in the antechamber of hell for his "cowardice" by making "the big refusal".

King of the Belgians

In July 2013, the "King of the Belgians" Albert II announced to his divided country that he was going to withdraw, saying that he felt too sick and too fragile to continue.

"I am at an age never reached by my predecessors, my age and my health do not allow me to perform my duties as I would have liked," said the 79-year-old, after 20 years pbaded on the throne of the small European country.

This was the first voluntary abdication in the history of Belgium, which gained its independence from the Netherlands in 1831.

The Belgian monarch plays a crucial role in the promotion of national unity in a country very divided between French-speaking Wallonia and Flemish Flanders.

& # 39; Trix & # 39 ;: Queen of the Dutch & # 39;

Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands also resigned in 2013, the year of the abdication, but the energetic and popular monarch did not abdicate for health reasons but rather because she wanted to pbad the torch to his son Willem Alexander.

At the age of 74, when he was 74 years old, he declared to the nation: "I do not withdraw because the public service is too heavy for me, but because I am convinced that the responsibility of our country should be between hands of a new generation ".

Thousands of Dutch party-goers dressed in orange suits, wigs and sunglbades have invaded the streets of Amsterdam to celebrate the transfer of power to their first king for over 120 years.

The reign of Carlos in Spain

In June 2014, the King of Spain Juan Carlos gave way to his son, thus ending a 39-year-old reign hailed for leading the country to democracy after the death of dictator Francisco Franco in 1975, but who also had his share. scandals.

Carlos walked with a cane after several hip operations, but, like Queen Beatrix, justified his abdication by claiming that "a younger generation deserves to intervene on the front."

His reign was tainted by a corruption scandal involving the younger daughter of the king, Cristina, and her husband. In 2012, he scandalized the Spaniards by participating in a luxurious African elephant hunting safari during a recession.

A rare Arab abdication in Qatar

Also in 2013, the emir of Qatar, rich in gas, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, abdicated after 18 years on the throne, a rarity in the Arab world.

The 61-year-old emir was suffering from kidney problems, but officials insisted that his motivation to withdraw was not health-related, but rather the determination to before a young leader.

His son Sheikh Tamim, then 33, took over.

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