Digital Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Service Gains Momentum Following Success of National Pilot Project


LONDON, April 3, 2019 / PRNewswire / – We are pleased to announce that Oviva, in partnership with ICS Health & Wellbeing, is transforming the treatment of obesity and type 2 diabetes by successfully achieving a place in the new NHS England diabetes prevention program.

The Diabetes Prevention Program will help 200,000 people with prediabetes per year improve their diet and physical activity levels to reduce their risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Selected as one of five digital health companies for the world's first digital intervention pilot project for type 2 diabetes prevention in 2017, Oviva has helped more than 1,000 people reduce their risk of diabetes type 2 by losing weight, eating healthier and increasing physical activity levels.

Oviva's unique approach combines the personalized advice of a dietician expert with the use of the innovative Oviva application, which relies on the latest data. behavior change to help people make long-term changes to improve their health.

The NHS England Diabetes Prevention Program, officially launched in 2016, aimed to help people at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes to access personalized group programs. It has been expanded to include digital approaches to improve accessibility.

This exciting development is an important step for the NHS by integrating digital solutions into traditional care and fulfilling a key objective of the NHS long-term plan.

Lucy Jones RD, Clinical Director of Oviva commented: "Oviva is excited to partner with ICS, and together, our programs deliver quality health information, personalized support and flexibility to manage people's lives to help more people improve their health." long-term."


About Oviva – Oviva is a technology-based dietary services provider for diet-related health issues such as type 2 diabetes and obesity. Oviva technology strengthens relationships between patients and dietitians to help them achieve their health goals while reducing the cost of providing services. Oviva provides services to more than 50 NHS clinical commissioning groups, helping thousands of patients improve their health without having to go by appointment.


About ICS Health & Wellbeing – ICS Health & Wellbeing is a dynamic and successful organization dedicated to improving the health of British local and professional communities. In collaboration with local authorities, CCGs, NHS England and employers, we design, implement and evaluate innovative health and wellness services that will deliver long-term health benefits through a change in health and wellbeing. sustainable behavior.



Mark Jenkins
[email protected]

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