FDA proposes new policies to improve the quality of mammography exams


FDA proposes new policies to modernize and improve the quality of mammography exams

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has proposed a set of new policies to modernize and improve the quality of mammography screening for bad cancer. The federal agency is convinced that such measures can help women with the disease make informed decisions about their health care.

The immediate actions proposed by the FDA are aimed at improving two critical aspects. The first is to expand the information provided by mammography facilities to patients and physicians to support well-informed medical decisions; the second is to modernize mammography screening procedures to improve quality and safety standards.

The new policies will amend those published under the Mammal Quality Standards Act, 1992 (MQSA), which have been approved by Congress to ensure high quality mammography screening for early detection of bad cancer .

"Breast cancer is one of the health issues of greatest concern to women. The FDA plays a unique and significant role in providing quality mammography to help patients get accurate screening to quickly identify bad health problems, when they can be effectively treated, "said the FDA . Commissioner Scott Gottlieb, MD, said in a press release.

"As part of our overall commitment to protecting women's health, we

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