Ben Platt and James Corden chronicle a long life of bromance in 12 songs and an impressive take: WATCH


ben platt james corden bromance

Ben Platt and James Corden performed an impressive skit Tuesday night, consisting of 9 different sets and 12 songs, telling the story of a bromance for life in one take.

At the same time, Platt talked about his baduality at the Daily Beast, telling the publication that he did not want her to overshadow his music.

Platt said: "I like that a by-product can be a representation for the queer community and show that it's a part of myself, but I do not want that either. replaces the music itself. "

The Daily Beast adds: "To prepare, he studied what had worked for other openly gay artists, including Brandi Carlile, whose quierism is" part of the tapestry rather than the tapestry itself, "a- he declared. Carlile, for example, is openly gay, married to actress Catherine Shepherd and is raising two girls. She also happens to be an American stellar musician, bluegrbad – an unexpected place for a queer artist to succeed. This is the career that Platt wants. "Let's hope the music and the rest, we get to the point where it's part of a supposed reality," says Platt. "I am Jewish, I come from New York and I also like guys."

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