Is Hugh Jackman in the biggest showman show?


Jackson played P.T. Barnum in the biggest showman (photo: Ntavernise / 20th Century Fox / Kobal / REX / Shutterstock)

Everyone stays calm – The Greatest Showman could have a sequel.

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The Australian national love Hugh Jackman led the cast of a small old movie called The Greatest Showman in 2017, and we now know that there could be a sequel.

The actor revealed that he "knows" that the producers "are working on a treatment" in view of a possible follow-up of the mega-hit musical when he was asked about the possibility of 39, a second film.

Jackman told BBC Radio 2 on Monday: "The real answer is" could be, "I'm not sure, I'm quite honest with you, we're talking about something but nobody is really sure about it."

The former X-Men also said, "I'd like to be part of it, and I do not know if it's centered on my character.

"The other thing is that it took eight years to do it and it was not every eight years to convince people. It takes a lot of time to write things.

Which actors could return in The Greatest Showman?

Jackman bluntly stated that he was ready to return to P.T. Barnum's position, but he does not know if his character will be in the center of the stage.

This is perfectly logical because P.T. It has been widely demonstrated that the end of TGS was focused on family life.

If Jackman sat in a suite to focus on his family, then it would make sense to think that Michelle Williams, who was playing his wife Charity, would also play a lesser role or even no role in a second TGS .

Following this line of thought also leads us to think that Rebecca Ferguson might not be back either, not just because of the risk that PT might not be so involved in the plot, but because he and Jenny Lind, the Ferguson's character, separated so badly, having compromised his marriage with Charity.

Could this guy be the next big showman? (Image: imageSPACE / REX / Shutterstock)

It could also lead Zac Efron to follow Zendaya, who played Anne Wheeler, the great trapeze artist of her character.

The two lovebirds managed to reunite him at the end of The Greatest Showman, despite the prejudices of the time, and Zac's character, Phillip Carlyle, took over the reins of the show since PT. So it seems very likely that any following both pretty prominently.

It would also be wise to invite again Keala Settle, who plays the bearded character Lettie Lutz, and whose singing voice propelled the song of This Is Me in the stratosphere, which won the Golden Globe.

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