Notify marked areas in case of failure – Amewu direct Power providers


General News of Wednesday, April 3, 2019



Blackout Amewu Minister of Energy John Peter Amewu

Energy Minister John Peter Amewu said he had urged electricity agencies to make regular announcements to residents of areas affected by power outages during the summer months. next nine days.

His comments follow his apology to Ghanaians for the recent power cuts due to a connection of the country's gas infrastructure in the western region.

Many have asked for a load shed schedule to allow residents of affected areas to plan their domestic and professional activities.

Speaking at the plenary session of the economic management team held on Wednesday, the energy minister said the sectoral agencies should inform Ghanaians of their energy schedule until that day. that the situation becomes normal again on April 12, 2019.

"We have asked the different agencies to provide information on unenlightened areas. It is also important to know that some of these agencies have their own internal mechanisms. For example, I am told that in the Ashanti region most of these areas have already been informed before closure. I am quite surprised to know why some areas do not receive such information in Accra. "

The minister also apologized to Ghanaians for the recent power outages in some parts of the country.

Although the minister did not admit that these failures were an indication of the return of the dreaded "dumsor", he said the plans are well advanced to solve the energy problems facing the country.

While answering a question about irregular power supply at a plenary session on Wednesday, Amewu badured citizens of relief badistance by saying that the electricity situation would be normalized as soon as possible .

"First of all, we want to apologize to Ghanaians for this intermittent offer. We have never returned to the era of constant and persistent lack of supply. We are at a time when we have installed capacity available, but what we need to do is turn that installed capacity into availability.

"We are learning from our experience, so we are sorry, Ghanaians. This short period is just intermittent. I promise you that from April 12 you will continue to use your power in a sustainable way. "

The Ministry of Energy insisted that the recent challenges had nothing to do with financial problems or mismanagement.

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