Algerian council accepts resignation of Bouteflika, imminent new leader


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The Algerian Constitutional Council on Wednesday accepted the resignation of President Abdul Aziz Bouteflika, less than 24 hours after agreeing to withdraw after several weeks of demonstrations.

The 82-year-old at war had agreed to drop his candidacy for a fifth consecutive term.

The protests that were spreading week after week forced him to commit to withdrawing in February.

He had lost the support of the political establishment after the ruling party, the FLN, withdrew its support.

In addition to demonstrations, the strongest opposition emerged last week when the army chief of staff called for immediate action to remove him from office.

He repeated the call on the weekends and earlier this week.

"There is no more room to waste time," said the official APS news agency, quoted by Lt. General Ahmed Gaed Salah.

Bouteflika had sought to postpone the wave of dissent from his two-decade-old regime, which began February 22, by reversing his decision to run for a fifth term.

But he did not say when he would go, which would have angered the protesters.

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