Lack of eyelids when using a SPF moisturizer, a "cancer risk" – study


Missing eyelids when using the SPF moisturizer has

April 4, 2019 – 5:37 PM AMT

PanARMENIAN.Net – Failing to apply moisturizer with sun protection factor (SPF) and sunscreen properly on the face, especially around the eyes, could put people at risk for skin cancer, a study suggests, according to the BBC.

The researchers found differences in how people applied sunscreen and SPF moisturizer.

Moisturizers lack more skin – especially eyelids, where the skin is thin and vulnerable to cancer.

Sunglbades with UV filters can help protect missing areas, experts said.

Many moisturizers are sold with SPFs of 30 to 50, similar to traditional sunscreens, but they are not intended to replace sunscreens if you spend long periods outdoors in the summer.

The University of Liverpool research team studied how 84 people (62 women and 22 men) applied a moisturizer and sunscreen. She then took pictures with a UV-sensitive camera showing how well they covered their faces.

The researchers found that nearly 17% of the face had not been treated with an SPF moisturizer, compared to 11% with sunscreen.

And there was 21% less coverage of the area around the eyelids with a moisturizer and 14% with sunscreen, revealed the PLOS One study.

These are the areas most exposed to skin cancer, but people did not know that they had not covered them, said Austin McCormick, author of the study and consultant in Ophthalmic and Oculoplastic Surgery. Aintree University Hospital Trust.

"The skin of the eyelid is very thin and that makes it vulnerable to UV rays," he said.

"The area around the eyelashes and between the eyelids and the nose is less likely to be covered."

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