Brexit: union and conservative negotiations end after 4.5 hours


Rebecca Long-Bailey and Sir Keir Starmer

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Keir Starmer of the Labor Party told reporters: "We will have further discussions with the government" when he leaves.

The discussions between the Conservative and Labor teams took place for a second day, with the aim of ending the Brexit stalemate.

The 4.5-hour talks were described as "detailed and productive" by the government.

Shadow Brexit Secretary Sir Keir Starmer said earlier that the idea of ​​a "confirmation" referendum on any Brexit deal would be discussed.

MEPs backed a bill Wednesday that would force the prime minister to demand a further delay from Brexit.

The House of Lords is expected to debate later Thursday.

Thursday's meeting between the government and the opposition followed Wednesday's talks between Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn, described as "constructive."

Leaving the talks, Sir Keir did not answer questions about the topics discussed. He told reporters: "We had other discussions and we will have further discussions with the government".

A Labor spokesman said the talks "are going on and the teams are planning to meet again."

A spokesman for Downing Street said: "Today, the two groups of negotiating teams met for four and a half hours of detailed and productive technical discussions in the Cabinet Office, with the support of the public. "

On the Labor side, Sir Keir Starmer, shadow-Brexit Secretary, and Business Secretary Rebecca Long-Bailey, attended the discussions.

The government's negotiating team was made up of the Prime Minister, David Lidington, Brexit Secretary Steve Barclay, Chief Whip Julian Smith, Business Secretary Greg Clark and Gavin Barwell, Chief of Staff from the Prime Minister.

What happens next?

  • Thursday: The House of Lords will debate Yvette Cooper's bill, which would force the prime minister to demand a new deadline for Brexit
  • Friday: More talks between Labor and Government should take place
  • Wednesday, April 10: EU leaders' emergency summit on any request for additional extension of the United Kingdom
  • Friday April 12th: Brexit day, if the UK does not ask – or the EU does not grant – an additional delay

The UK must leave the EU on April 12 and no exit agreement has yet been put in place.

The ministers cautioned, however, that the backbench bill, presented by Labor's Yvette Cooper, could increase the "risk of no accidental transaction".

Mr. No 10 indicates that Ms. Cooper's bill, pbaded by the House of Commons with a majority of one vote on Wednesday, would deprive the Prime Minister of the power to reach an agreement with the leaders of the United States. EU on April 10, just as the deputies should accept any new Brexit date.

Any delay in Brexit will require the unanimous support of 28 European leaders at a summit next Wednesday.

If they agree – but suggest a date different from that advocated by members – the Prime Minister should send it back to the House of Commons for approval on Thursday, April 11.

"By April 11th, the European Council will be over and the leaders will have returned to their member states." According to the state secretary, the bill could increase the risk of an accidental exit from the country. the non-transaction, "said the prime minister's spokesman. I said.

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The backbench bill will need the approval of the House of Lords to become law. The lords are debating the procedure for introducing the bill before discussing it itself.

But finally, it is the EU that decides to grant an extension. Vice President of the European Commission, Jyrki Katainen, said that a "Brexit" without agreement was still "highly likely".

Phantom Finance Minister Clive Lewis told BBC Radio 4's World at One that Labor would not talk to the government if a "confirmation referendum" was not an option.

But it appeared that party chairman Ian Lavery had proposed to leave the ghost cabinet after twice defying orders to vote in favor of another referendum.

And 25 Labor MPs – including former Minister Caroline Flint and a number of MPs for the voting seats in the North and Midlands – have written to Jeremy Corbyn, declaring that another referendum does not should be included in no compromise on Brexit.

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They wrote: "Delaying many months in the hope of a second referendum will further divide the country and create greater uncertainty for businesses.

"A second referendum would be exploited by the extreme right, would undermine the confidence of many voters in the Labor Party and reduce our chances of winning general elections."

Chancellor Philip Hammond said he expected Brussels to insist that Brexit be postponed. He also described a public vote to approve any final agreement as "a perfectly credible proposal".

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But State Secretary for Health, Matt Hanbad, told BBC Radio 4 Today that he was "very firmly against" a public vote and that he would not want to see a long extension. Brexit.

Among May's "red lines" was the customs union of the European Union, which allows goods to move between Member States without being subject to customs duties. It also imposes the same tariffs on goods coming from outside countries.

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The Labor Party wants a new permanent customs union with the EU, while the Democratic Unionist Party of Northern Ireland, which supports May's government, said Wednesday that it could support this idea .

The Prime Minister wants to agree a policy with the Labor Party leader on which MPs should vote before April 10 – when the EU will hold an emergency summit on Brexit.

But if they can not reach a consensus, it is committed to allowing MPs to vote on a number of options, including the withdrawal agreement it has negotiated with the EU, that MPs have already rejected three times.

In both cases, Ms May said that she would ask the EU for a new Brexit extension in the hope of having Parliament adopt an agreement by 22 May, so that the United Kingdom could Kingdom is not obliged to participate in the European elections.

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