Chelsea President Bruce Buck says racism can be fought with education, not a stadium ban


Chelsea launched a campaign in January to raise awareness and educate fans about anti-Semitism in football

Chelsea "has a problem" with the behavior of racist and anti-Semitic supporters, but believes that education rather than bans will better solve the problem, said President Bruce Buck.

Raheem Sterling was reportedly the victim of racist abuse by Chelsea fans in December. Supporters of the Blues have reportedly been accused of anti-Semitic chants during a match of the Europa League.

"We've changed our approach," Buck told BBC Radio 4's Beyond Today podcast.

"We think that with certain activities, the best way to solve the problem is education."

"We think that if someone does something wrong and we forbid him stadium for three years, he will not change his behavior."

"They will become more racist or anti-Semitic.

"Historically, for 10 or 15 years, since Mr. Abramovich has [Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich] belonging to the football club, if there was any racist or anti-Semitic behavior, we solved the problem by banning the stadium.

"But as part of this project, talking about this over the past two years, we have changed our approach."

Buck said that the education program was available only after certain infractions and that the offender had to admit the transgression before continuing.

"Our approach to all of these is to write to the alleged offender and ask him to comment," Buck said.

"Once we have received the comments, we review them, take into account all factors and decide if it is appropriate to solve them through education."

Buck on the Sterling case

Chelsea suspended four supporters in December while a police investigation into the alleged racial abuse of the Manchester City Sterling striker was over.

Buck said that the club's security team reacted "very very well" and that any support found guilty could be offered an education program.

"A police investigation prevents us from doing our job for a while, but we asked them to explain what happened, and once the police investigation is over, we will conduct our own investigation and determine what the solutions are." Buck said.

"It could be education or it could be something else.

"They [the club’s security team] were able to identify the four people involved in a series of incidents and were able to stop them and talk to them before leaving the stadium.

"We have very good video surveillance and our stewards are well trained.

"We have prepared special brochures and distributed cards to fans, so if they hear something, they know who to call or who to send a text message."

"I support players coming out of the field"

Racist abuse by English players stained their victory in Montenegro in March.

Sterling called on the football authorities to adopt an "appropriate stance" by punishing them.

Some asked if English players should have left the field after hearing the abuses, but club manager Gareth Southgate said it was "not entirely certain that this would be what the players would like ".

However, Buck said he would support players leaving the field.

"I think it will make a big difference," Buck said.

"I think it will happen once or twice and the transgressors will understand.

"This is a possible path, but I want to emphasize that if it is one of the remedies, it must be implemented in a thoughtful way.

"The captain or player needs appropriate training or guidelines to implement it properly."

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