Trump mocks Biden about allegations of inappropriate contacts


President Trump ridiculed former Vice President Joe Biden on Tuesday on the grounds that he had touched women inappropriately.

During a free speech at a fundraiser for the Republican National Congress Committee, Trump at one point told the story of a conversation that he had had. with a general.

"I said," General, give me a kiss. I felt like Joe Biden. But I really thought so, said Trump, making the crowd laugh.

At another point in his remarks, Trump mentioned the 2020 White House race and said that the only Democratic candidate who is not socialist is "pretty well taken care of by the socialists" – a blink of an eye. eye to unproven badertions by some Biden supporters that recent accusations against him are being pushed by his political rivals.

"I was going to say," Welcome to the world, Joe. Are you having a good time, Joe? "Said Trump.

More than a dozen women have accused Trump of badual misconduct. The latest charge was laid in February, when Alva Johnson, a former employee of Trump's presidential campaign, said Trump had kissed her against her will in 2016. Trump denied all the charges against him.

Trump himself pictorially spoke of women forcibly kissing each other during a 2005 conversation that was filmed and redone during the 2016 campaign.

Trump media Tuesday night underline the political danger for Biden as he approaches the announcement of a potential bid for 2020. The former vice president is known for a long time for his intimate physical style, but the relevance of his behavior towards women is the object of increasing attention.

Late last week, Lucy Flores, a former lawmaker from the state of Nevada, wrote an essay in which she claimed that Biden had approached her from behind at a rally for the campaign. 2014, had put his hands on his shoulders and planted a "big slow kiss" on his back. its head. On Monday, Amy Lappos, a former badistant representative of Congressional Representative Jim Himes (D-Conn.), Said Biden had put his hand around his neck and rubbed his nose during a meeting. fundraising in 2009.

Two other women, Caitlyn Caruso and D.J. Hill, also accused Biden of improperly touching them, the New York Times reported on Tuesday night.

Biden on Sunday said in a statement that he had offered "countless handshakes, cuddles, expressions of affection, support and rebadurance" during his years in public life, "And not once, never, I thought I acted inappropriately.

During his nearly 90-minute speech on Tuesday night, Trump criticized the Democrats – and also made a few remarks that probably raised the eyebrows of members of his own party.

He attacked the vast climate change plan adopted by some Democrats, jokingly: "If they beat me with the Green New Deal, I deserve to lose."

He also said that when he started running for president, the GOP was "the party of the rich" and claimed that Republican candidates were losing because there were not enough rich people.

Now the Republican Party is "the party for all Americans. . . We are the feast of the American dream, "said Trump.

It has doubled its plan for Republicans to make the first act of the next congress a vote on a new health care law – despite the fact that Congressional Republicans have little interest in tackling a problem that was a boon for the Democrats in 2018. mid-term.

"You will win your election because of health care," Trump told the crowd.

And he urged Republicans to be "more paranoid" about how votes are counted in the next election, echoing the baseless claims of widespread election fraud he had made in the past.

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