According to Game of Thrones theory, the real destiny of Daenerys was teased there are seasons – BGR


In just over ten days, HBO will launch the last season of Game of thrones – a season we have been looking forward to for almost two years. As an HBO Game of thrones Marketing efforts have intensified in recent weeks. We read more and more interviews with the actors and the team, who revealed some interesting details about the main stage of the season and the final of the series. And some of the stars may have dropped some spoilers inadvertently.

But we still have no idea what will happen in season 8, which is great news for Game of thrones fans looking to avoid important spoilers at all costs. Meanwhile, the fans have a lot of theories about the show and we're about to show you an incredible story from a Game of thrones pbadionate who thinks he understood the destiny of Dany. But before we continue, we must warn you that potential spoilers Follow below.

The last time we saw Daenerys, she had become very friendly with one of her relatives, Jon Snow, although they still do not know they were part of the same family. They were heading north to prepare Winterfell for the next invasion, in the hope that the other houses would do the same and send their armies to defend the north. Dany, of course, still has two dragons, which can prove to be an excellent weapon against the king of nights and his band of undead soldiers.

However, this being Game of thrones, a TV show where no one is safe – well, except perhaps with Jon Snow – there is no guarantee that Dany will have a happy ending when the fight with the White Walkers is over. Redditor marisaann26 believes he has found an important clue by revisiting the past Game of thrones seasons that suggest that Dany will change sides when all is over:

Everything is based on a vision she had back in Season 2 (see video above). Dany went to the devastated King's Landing in winter, with snow falling in the throne room. Just as she was about to reach the throne, she was dragged beyond the Wall, into the tent with Drogo and their son. She stays there almost, but then she hears the cries of her baby dragons and she leaves to find them.

marisaann26 think that two parts of the vision have already been realized in season 7 and that the last part of this prophecy will be verified during the last season:

Vision S2: Dany goes to the throne, but is shot beyond the wall = when, in S7, Dany was going to attack King's Landing and take the throne by force, but it is said that Jon and his company on the other side of the wall have to be saved – go away beyond the wall.

Vision S2: Dany hearing the dragon crying = S7 the dragons crying behind the wall after Viserion was killed by the NK.

In the coming season, Daenerys may choose to leave Jon Snow – and their baby – behind to be with his dragons. If this is the case, it means that his two dragons will be killed while fighting the White Walkers and they will join the Night King. The only way for Dany to be with them is to change sides and join him. A warlock told him during his vision that "you will be with your dragons again in winter, summer and winter".

The Redditor gave us additional clues that indicate a not-so-happy ending for Dany:

In an interview with the actor who plays the NK, he said that "we will learn who is the king of the night" in an interview with Emilia Clarke (Dany), she talks about the last season and says "this I'm bading in the air "- know that it's going to be a lasting flavor in Daenerys' mouth and that Dany does some really weird stuff.

I think the king of the night wants Dany to be his new queen or take over as queen (wanting peace = death). In one way or another, the two living dragons will die in battle. Distraught by the loss of his dragons, Dany [will] to be persuaded to join the King of the Night to be reunited with his dragons = she gets her THOUSE OF ICE.

Yes, it all looks incredibly wild and dark, and Dany fans might not like this result. But if you're still not convinced, you should watch the following video, published on YouTube in early December 2017, which establishes almost the same link between Daenerys and the Night King (via Cosmopolitan):

Source of the image: HBO

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