Law 21 on yellow jackets in France, after repeal of the anti-riot law


Protesters in yellow uniform on Saturday planned a 21st week of demonstrations in France, two days after the Constitutional Council overturned a provision of the law that would have allowed the authorities to ban some people from demonstrating. Two routes through Paris have been approved, although rallies are still banned on the Champs-Élysées.

The council, which rules on the validity of the laws, said the riot law gave officials "excessive latitude" to impose bans on those suspected of threatening public order.

The provision of the law, which was pbaded by both Houses of Parliament, was inspired by anti-hooligan measures that prevent known troublemakers from football stadiums. Critics claimed that the right to freedom of speech and badembly was arbitrarily violated.

The council has maintained other measures, including tougher sanctions for organizers of unauthorized demonstrations and for people covering their faces during violent protests, who may be fined up to 15,000 euros.

Act 21 in Paris

The government has vowed to suppress the destruction brought by some protesters in recent weeks and the police have banned recent demonstrations on the Champs-Elysees in Paris and other city centers. This weekend, the prefecture renewed the ban on the Champs-Elysees, as well as the Arc de Triomphe.

Two routes through Paris were allowed, one from the Republic Square to La Défense, organized by Eric Drouet, major figure of the movement, and the other south-north, from Montparnbade to the Basin of the Villette.

Outside Paris

There was a call to a national gathering in Rouen and a woman was called to Lille, disguised as Marianne, national symbol of the French republic.

Other groups have called for rallies in Lyon, Dijon, Nice, Montpellier, Bordeaux and Toulouse.

Some 500 representatives from groups from all over France are expected in Saint-Nazaire for a second "badembly meeting" to work on different forms of organizing the movement without a leader. The last meeting of this type took place in January and brought together 300 people representing 75 local groups.

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