Vegan and vegan fast food chains are classified by search


  • The fast food industry is striving to win vegetarian and vegan customers with new meatless dishes.
  • Vegetarians and vegans have been looking for herbal options for years, with thousands of online searches for meatless meals every month.
  • Here are the 10 channels where people search for vegetarian and vegan dishes most often.
  • Visit the Business Insider home page for more stories.

The fast food sector is finally looking to conquer vegetarian and vegan customers.

Taco Bell is testing a 100% vegetarian menu. Burger King serves an impossible Whopper factory in more than 50 stores. And, Chipotle has recently added vegetarian and vegan dishes to the menu.

Read more: Taco Bell tries to win vegetarian diners with a new menu test

There is a growing movement to find meatless options in big chains. Every month, tens of thousands of people search for vegan and vegan options, according to research data extracted from the marketing trend badysis software, SEMrush.

However, some fast food chains are more likely than others to involve vegetarians and vegans. Here are the top 10 channels that people search for next to the "vegetarian" and "vegan" keywords.

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