Takoradi baby thief to undergo a mental health checkup


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The Sekondi Women's Court ordered Mawusi Rose Fiaku, a 42-year-old woman who is believed to have stolen a one-year-old baby in Takoradi, to undergo a psychological examination.

Moving is about being mentally healthy.

It was after the accused's mother had confirmed in court that her daughter sometimes behaved as if she were mentally unstable.

It will be remembered that at the last hearing, the accused had claimed that she was pregnant and that the judge, Abena Agyin Doku, had told her that the police should carry out a pregnancy test for confirmation before the next date of adjournment.

At the meeting on April 5, 2019, the judge told the accused that her pregnancy test was negative.

She asked the accused whether she was pregnant or had ever had a child in her life and the accused replied in the negative.

"So why did you tell the court the other time you were pregnant and had a child? Do you have a mental problem? "Asked the judge.

The mother of the accused who was in court said that her daughter sometimes acts as if she was not healthy in spirit.

The judge then ordered the accused to consult a psychiatrist for a check-up before the next adjournment date.

Meanwhile, the alleged boyfriend of the accused, Lawson Lartey, who is facing a pre-trial detention charge, was released on bail of 10,000 ¢ with two bonds.

The two accused must reappear in court on April 26, 2019.

Rose Fiaku pleaded guilty to stealing children, but Lartey denied that she had committed a wrongdoing.

Recall that the suspect managed to steal the year-old baby from his mother at around 4:30 pm in front of the Market Circle post office in Takoradi in March 2019.

She first asked as a client and asked the baby's mother to allow her to take care of her two children so that she could better serve the clients.

Fortunately, a closed circuit television (CCTV) camera from some banks in the area captured the suspect who was cuddling the baby as she walked away from the market.

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