Add blueberries to the porridge to help improve your health


LONDON: Although bananas and blueberries are commonly used in porridge, a new study suggests that adding choking berries, called "the healthiest fruit in the world," can help improve health.

Rich in antioxidants, blueberries – originating in North America and also called aronia berries – are not damaged when they are mixed with porridge, unlike other fruits. , reported the Daily Mail.

"The results demonstrate that bilberry-enriched porridges could become a good source of natural antioxidants," said lead author Anna Oniszczuk of the Lublin Medical University in Poland.

For the study, the team prepared porridge containing chokeberry flavors, the highest containing 20% ​​fruit.

The results, published in De Gruyter's diary, revealed that the nutritional properties of the porridge did not degrade during the production process, despite the high temperatures used.

This makes it attractive because the antioxidant capacity of some fruits can be greatly reduced by heat or oxidation during the course of treatment.

In addition, the increase in chokeberry fruit content has made the breakfast bowl richer in antioxidants, polyphenols, flavonoids and free phenolic acids, the study says.

"Because of the high levels of antioxidants in the berry and its resistance to high temperatures during processing, research highlights how berry could be important for the production of functional foods such as porridge" said Oniszczuk.

In addition to their high concentration of antioxidants, blueberries are rich in vitamins, such as vitamin C and flavonoids.

Blueberries are also thought to have anti-aging properties, are good for the heart and may even act as aphrodisiacs.

Indo-Asian Information Service

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