1 in 5 deaths linked to poor eating habits around the world – NewsNet


It's no secret that eating sugary drinks, processed meat and sodium is not the best choice for our overall health.

And now, according to a new study, a diet rich in excessive unhealthy foods is badociated with one in five deaths worldwide.

The study examined food trends in nearly 200 countries between 1990 and 2017.

The researchers wanted to know if there was a link between diet and chronic diseases.

In 2017, diets low in whole grains, fruits, nuts and seeds, and high in trans fatty acids, sugary drinks, red and processed meats, combined for about 11 million deaths worldwide.

10 million of these deaths were attributed to heart disease, followed by cancer and type 2 diabetes.

And while some parts of the world have performed better than others, the authors of the study say that almost all countries miss the target for good eating habits.

Doctors say that when we focus solely on the elimination of harmful foods, and not on the addition of nutritious foods, we make a mistake.

This is because the right foods that promote health are like drugs.

And if you're wondering where the Americans are, out of the 195 countries surveyed, the United States ranks 43rd in terms of the number of food-related deaths.

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