Victoria Beckham helps royal pal Meghan Markle decorate his new home with Prince Harry


Meghan Markle and Prince Harry finally moved to Frogmore Cottage after a £ 3 million renovation – and friend Victoria Beckham is helping to improve it.

And instead of decorating the walls with expensive artwork, former Suits actress Meghan sent posters from her former bachelorette pavilion in Toronto.

It looks a little like my former hollow student.

I am told that she exchanged interior design tips with her friend Vic, 44, who came to their wedding.

It has already been reported that the Grade II property was designed by the spirit of Soho House's rustic look – Vicky Charles.

Susbad style: more Victoria Beckham than Vicky Charles

But sources close to the couple insist that this is not the case.

One of them explains, "Harry and Meghan want to make Frogmore as simple as possible and Meghan has brought a lot of posters that she had in her apartment in Toronto when she was shooting Suits.

"She had a lot of memories in this house and she wanted to bring some of them to her new tablet.

"She also talked a lot to Victoria Beckham about their design ideas.

"People thought that Vicky Charles was hired to transform, but that's not the case, it's the bad Victoria."

Meghan – who is expected to give birth this month – has also ensured that framed pictures of family and friends are scattered.

Royal Transformation: Frogmore Cottage, where Prince Harry and Meghan now live

The property was previously used as housing for Royal House staff.

The Susbad took their engagement photos in front of Frogmore House on the estate, where they also held their wedding reception the night after their wedding last year.

Despite its costly transformation, the cottage originally appeared in Queen Charlotte's accounts for 1801; his garden had been built for £ 450.

Queen Victoria had breakfast at the cottage on June 28, 1875 and declared that there was "an immense number of frogs" which she found "quite disgusting". Brilliant.

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