Lower Manya Krobo: Protest leaders against the PDS banned from future protests


Regional News from Saturday, April 6, 2019

Source: citinewsroom.com


Pds demo The seven were prevented from taking part in future protests against the PDS

The Municipal Security Councils (MUSEC) of Yilo Kroko and Manya Krobo issued an interlocutory injunction to the leaders of a demonstration on the Odumase-Accra road last week.

Some residents of Nuaso, in the Eastern Region, protested against electricity distribution services for what they claimed to be unfair treatment and the lack of service delivery from the distribution company electricity.

Although two people were shot and wounded while police were trying to maintain calm, seven people were arrested and badist police in their investigations.

The decision to convene the leaders was taken at a joint meeting (MUSEC) between the Yilo Krobo and Manya Krobo Municipal Assemblies to discuss the way forward to avoid further illegal demonstrations.

Under the injunction, the seven members were prevented from taking part in any future demonstrations against the PDS.

ASP Ebenezer Tetteh, Public Relations Officer of the Eastern Region Police Command, told Citi News that leaders would be forced to face all the rigors of the law when they defied orders.

"It was decided that ring officials – those who were feeding the protest against the PDS and threatening to attack their facilities – are being summoned to prevent them from behaving well. If they do not, the law will take its course. "

"Meanwhile, we are investigating the seven people who were arrested. When we finish the investigations, they will be charged with riots and other offenses that will be blamed on them. They are currently badisting Krobo Odumase's police in his investigations, "he added.

The municipal heads (MCES) of the two municipal bademblies attended the joint MUSEC meeting. There were security officers such as the Akosombo police commander, the judicial police officer, the district commanders of Odumase-Krobo and Somanya, the officers of the BNI, the National Fire Service Commander and the Ghana Immigration Commander of both Municipal Assemblies.

Nene Aziza II, Joshua Ogbodzor, Reverend John Apertey, Bernnet Yaovi, Kasimu Teye Kwao Alhaji and Teye Jonathan Korletey are among the leaders and organizers of the illegal protest.

The others are Griffiths Samuel, Michael Okrah Amanor, Adamtey Ebenezer Jones Dendenden, Moses Kwadjo Atterh and Richard Attuquaye-Fio Clottey.

E / R: Nuaso residents block roads and burn tires to protest "demons"

The 60-strong population armed with metal, planks and other offensive weapons blocked the city's main road and burned tires and other materials in the middle of the road.

In doing so, they caused several hours of vehicular and human traffic to commuters in Kpong and Somanya.

One of the protesters who spoke with reporters asked PDS to provide them with a load shed schedule.

"The whole community is not happy with the way electricity continues to go out every night. We are worried and worried about it because it is very hot during the day and at night, we need electricity to power our devices on standby, but we have no electricity. "

The angry protesters also revealed how they planned to visit the PDS offices in the municipality to demand answers to the recent blackouts.

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