5 Tips for Preventing Mental Disorders and Improving Mental Health on World Health Day


5 Tips for Preventing Mental Disorders and Improving Mental Health on World Health Day

5 Tips for Preventing Mental Disorders and Improving Mental Health on World Health Day & nbsp | & nbspPhoto: & nbspGetty Images

New Delhi: World Health Day 2019 is celebrated on April 7th to highlight the importance of health care around the world. The theme of this year's World Health Day is "Health for All", which refers to the right of every citizen to have easy access to health facilities.

While the world pays special attention to physical health and the prevention of serious diseases such as AIDS, cancer and lifestyle-related diseases, such as diabetes and heart problems, the prevalence of mental health is increasing worldwide. What aggravates the problem is the stigma badociated with such mental health issues, making access to help even more difficult. Since health is healthy and concerns the body and mind, it is important to keep your mind healthy as well as to keep your body. Here are 5 tips for preventing mental health problems and improving mental health on World Health Day.

Eat healthy

What you eat has an impact on your body, all your systems and your mind. Some foods can cheer you up, while others can make you sad and weak. Include a healthy diet in your routine with bananas, green tea, green leafy vegetables, etc. will not only keep your body healthy, but also your mind.

Incorporate a form of exercise

There are so many types of exercises available now, and their access is extremely easy. You must incorporate a form of exercise into your routine. When you exercise, your body releases a hormone called endorphin, responsible for making you feel happy and at peace. Not only that, according to a report on CNN when you exercise, your brain strengthens feelings of happiness and positivity.

Digital detoxification

Social media, the Internet, some TV shows, and some movies can set unrealistic standards for a perfect life and can trigger anxiety, depression, and eating disorders. A digital detox from time to time can help you avoid such problems. Put away all your phones and laptops and try to spend more time with your friends and family from time to time. This will not only help your mind but also your eyes and your stress management.


It's a very important part of keeping your mind healthy, to feel comfortable with your thoughts and to understand them. Meditation can help you calm your mind, understand what is going through it, and make things easier. According to one study, meditation also helps to cope with post-traumatic stress disorder.

Talk it over!

One of the hardest and most difficult things to do if you are suffering from a mental illness to talk to someone about it. You feel that you will not be understood, and the stigma around these problems only makes things worse. However, you must find someone you trust and talk about it. They may be able to help you by seeking medical help or just listening.

Disclaimer: The tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are intended solely for general information and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or health care professional if you have specific questions about medical issues.

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