Community Scoop »Can the mother's bacteria help babies with caesareans?


Press release – University of Auckland

A randomized, controlled study on the role of the mother bacteria in early infant health is about to begin, in New Zealand, at the Liggins Institute in New Zealand.In what is considered a world first, a randomized, controlled study on the role of maternal bacteria in early infant health is about to begin at the Liggins Institute in New Zealand.
Babies born by caesarean section are at greater risk of overweight and obesity, asthma, eczema, and other allergic disorders in children. Scientists believe that it is possible that badl bacteria beneficial to the health that babies are normally exposed to at birth play a role in the establishment of a normal intestinal bacterium (microbiome) in babies and thus contribute to the development of their autoimmune system.

Results from previous small studies suggest that what is commonly referred to as "badl seeding" could help babies born by cesarean section to establish a normal intestinal bacteria. One of these studies has been widely published and has led people to try themselves to get badl seed, despite the lack of high quality data on benefits and risks. The new study aims to fill this gap.

The ECOBABe study (early colonization with bacteria after birth) will focus on 40 pairs of cesarean-born twins in Auckland over the next 15 months. In each series, only one twin will swallow an oral infusion containing bacteria taken from the mother. The study also includes a separate control group of mothers having only one badl baby.

Researchers will measure the range and number of intestinal bacteria in all babies by badyzing their stool (poo). They will also compare the intestinal bacteria of caesarean section babies (with and without their mother's bacterium) and badl babies to determine if there are any differences. They will also measure the weight, height and body fat of the baby.

"If treatments with the mother's microbiome actually improve the health and well-being of children in terms of obesity and asthma, it will be a simple thing to evolve and do," says the professor. Wayne Cutfield, director of the study, University of Liggins Institute based in Auckland.

He explains that babies are born with almost no bacteria in their gut. During badl birth, their mother's bacteria colonize them, forming the basis of the baby's microbiome – all the bacteria that live inside and on the surface of our body, now recognized as playing a crucial role in our lives. health and well-being.

"But babies born by caesarean section are colonized with the other bacteria they come into contact with in the community – the surfaces they touch, the hands of others. These bacteria may not have the same health benefits, "says Professor Cutfield.

Celia Grigg, a co-investigator and researcher at the Institute, said, "Many women and midwives know that caesarean section disrupts the normal process and, when necessary, they want to minimize negative impacts on babies, as far as possible. People said to me, "It makes sense, even if it sounds a bit weird or unnatural."

She says that there is no evidence so far that the practice is dangerous. "The babies would have been exposed to the same bacteria for a much longer period if they were born badlly. Although, as it is research, we perform additional screening for women in the study. "

The latest provisional figures from the Ministry of Health show that there were 16,423 births of caesareans in Aotearoa, New Zealand last year (25% of all live births) and that caesarean births reached 36% at the Auckland City Hospital, a major referral center.

The research team is recruiting twins for the trial with the help of local obstetricians and midwives. Auckland women wishing to learn more about the study can visit the study page or call 027 606 5140.

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