ANA Inspiration 2019, Final Round – As It Happened | sport


You will need a heart of stone not to wish Kim In-Kyung every success at Mission Hills this afternoon. In 2012, Kim had already won a one-foot putt to win the victory under the previous name of ANA Inspiration, the Nabisco Kraft. A quick tapping, then she will embark on the famous celebratory jump in Poppie's Pond, before receiving the Dinah Shore trophy and wearing the champion's dress.

Easy as you want. Only Kim – who has made two excellent 15 and 20 foot putts at 16 and 17 feet – allows herself to be devoured by the golf demons and throws the tiddler. His compatriot South-Korean Sun-young Yoo won the decisive match in the first hole. Most of Kim's demons were happily exorcised by his victory at the British Open in 2017, a major finally landed. But there's one or two left, because Mission Hills owes him something. If she wends it today, there will be wild and glorious scenes at Poppie's Pond.

Not that Kim is the only player to hope to compensate for a major heartache. Ko Jin-young shot 68 on a nice chip yesterday – it could have been much better if she had not been sub-ranked at the normal 14 and found the glbad – and launches into this last round as that leader, at a stroke of Kim. Ko led after 54 holes in a major tournament before, at Turnberry at the 2015 British Open, but she was blown away by Inbee Park, who shot 65 points. Ko seemed to be the quietest of all the grounds on the day of the move. If she repeats the process and breaks her major duck, there will be wild and glorious scenes at Poppie's Pond.

Ko (-8) and Kim (-7) are in the last group, far from the rest of the pack. But the gap is not insurmountable. Danielle Kang, who was dragging the ball with enthusiasm yesterday, was watching the ball with enthusiasm, despite the fact that her shoulder was sneaking between the ropes, and Lee Mi-hyang, who had sent a hybrid in the normal three last night. 17th; Three rebounds and a small goal later, she was celebrating a hole-in-one and first-clbad flight ticket all over the world, courtesy of the ANA sponsor.

A little further to -3: Alena Sharp, Katherine Kirk and Jeongeun Lee6 (there were five other Jeongeun Lees during the tour in Korea, you see). The group containing Brooke Henderson and Jessica Korda should also be monitored. We could continue, with artists like Lexi Thompson, Charley Hull, Brittany Lincicombe and Carlota Ciganda, while remaining close to the realistic strike distance. But we will not continue.

The first female major of the year was created. A great Sunday is coming in front of us, as we discover who will be the last star of this famous leap forward, staging wild and glorious scenes at Poppie's Pond. It's on!

-8: JY Ko
-7: IK Kim
-5: MH Lee, Kang
-3: Sharp, Lee6, Kirk
-2: Yin, Lewis, Lin, Henderson, Korda J, SH Park, McDonald
-1: Uehara, HJ Kim, Lincicome, Ciganda, Martin, Shin, Lee, Yang, Hull, Yan, Thompson

And the departure times of the fourth round … are here.

Last year, Pernilla Lindberg celebrated her birthday at Poppie's Pond.

Last year, Pernilla Lindberg celebrated her birthday at Poppie's Pond. Photography: Robert Laberge / Getty Images
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