Dani Dyer has a huge argument with Georgia Steel and reveals that she "does not speak"


When times are tough, your friends are at your side.

So it's probably not the best week for Dani Dyer, who has revealed an argument with his friend Love Island, Georgia Steel.

Dani failed to show up at Georgia's 21st birthday party and dropped it at the last minute.

It seems that she did not attend the scheduled meeting because she wanted to spend the night early.

Dani admitted that the two did not speak Sunday brunch.

The 22-year-old is still struggling with her breakup with her boyfriend Jack Fincham as she juggles advertising responsibilities surrounding her new book.

Dani appeared yesterday Sunday brunch

She's trying to switch from Jack

Dani said Sunday Brunch: "We are not talking for the moment.

"I was so tired, I was literally here, there and everywhere.

"She's not happy with me, we were supposed to see Drake next week, and I do not think I'm invited, we'll see."

The eight-month relationship of the reality TV star ended earlier this week.

Meeting up with friends will not help the healing process

Jack announced the news in a statement posted on Instagram on April 3rd.

He said: "There is no easy way to say it and it will not be easy, but Dani and I are no longer in a relationship.

"We will always care a lot about each other and have love for each other, I think from the bottom of my heart and I wish him happiness."

Jack announced the end of their relationship on Instagram

He added: "We have incredible memories together and have lived many things, but sometimes things are not supposed to be and we really tried to make it work, but unfortunately it did not happen. not been and that's life.

"It's all that I have to say, a breakup is quite difficult, as is the case for both of us, not to mention the public." I hope everyone else is considerate and understand that. "

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