Nigeria: 16 new cases of Lassa fever confirmed in five states


Sixteen new cases of Lbada fever have been confirmed by the National Center for Disease Control (NCDC) in five states.

A weekly update provided by the center this weekend showed that new cases had been reported in the states of Edo, Ondo, Bauchi, Taraba and Plateau.

This is coming as the World Health Organization (WHO) has sought to implement digital solutions to address the barriers to universal health coverage in Nigeria.

NCDC said two new deaths were recorded in Bauchi and Taraba states.

"Between 1 January and 31 March 2019, 2034 suspected cases were reported in 21 states, of which 526 were confirmed positive, 15 probable and 1693 negative (not one case).

"Since the beginning of the 2019 epidemic, there have been 121 deaths among confirmed cases.The case fatality rate among confirmed cases is 23%." 21 states – Edo, Ondo, Bauchi, Nasarawa, Ebonyi, Plateau, Taraba, FCT, Adamawa Gombe, Kaduna, Kwara, Benue, Rivers, Kogi, Enugu, Imo, Delta, Oyo, Kebbi and Cross River – recorded at least one confirmed case in 81 local government areas, "said office.

The NCDC noted that "during the reporting week 13, a new health worker was affected in the Plateau State.A total of 17 health workers have been infected since the beginning of the year. the epidemic in seven states, Edo (seven), Ondo (three), Ebonyi (two), Enugu (one), Rivers (one), Bauchi (one) Benue (one) and Plateau (one) with two dead in the states of Enugu and Edo ".

"Twenty-nine patients are currently being cared for at various treatment centers across the country – Irish Teaching Teaching Hospital (ISTH) Treatment Center (10), Owo Federal Medical Center (nine), Hospital Federal Higher Education Council of Abakaliki (three), Bauchi (two), Plateau (three) and Taraba (two) ".

The center further stated that "a total of 6,489 contacts were identified from 20 states, of which 1443 (22.2 percent) are currently being followed, 4983 (76.8 percent) have completed follow-up 21 days later, 8 (0.1%). cent were lost to follow-up.

"One hundred and twelve symptomatic contacts (1.7%) were identified, of which 55 (one percent) were tested positive." National Multisectoral Rapid Response Teams in the Health Field (NCDC, NFELTP, Federal Ministry of Health) Agriculture and the Federal Ministry of the Environment) deployed in the states of Taraba and Bauchi · The National Multi-Partner and Multi-sectoral Emergency Response Center (LSC) for Lbada fever continues to coordinate intervention activities at all levels ".

Meanwhile, the World Health Organization has advocated the application of digital strategies as a means to accelerate universal health coverage.

During the march organized in Abuja to commemorate World Health Day, the word "Universal Health Coverage:" everyone, at any time, "said Dr. Mashidito Moeti, said the commemoration of the World Day of Health highlighted the benefits of universal health coverage (UHC) can bring to everyone and in all places and also why it is so badly needed.

"This is necessary because it ensures that everyone – no matter who they are, no matter where they live and when they need it – can access essential and quality health services without financial hardship.

"Given this, I'm speeding up support for countries to reorganize their services and consider strategic changes to reach UHC." This involves rebadessing their critical services to ensure that they are safe. they are designed for "everyone, everywhere and every time" and then introducing innovative approaches to provide these services.

"For example, if we can harness the power of the region's growing population and use digital solutions, we can put in place innovative systems to deliver UHC to African people," she said. .

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