What Marvel Movies to Watch Before the Avengers Endgame


Here is the minimum you need to watch.

The Marvel film universe as we know it will change beyond recognition with Avengers: End of the game. It's a fact. We can not surpbad that.

Everything has moved right now, ten years of Marvel superhero movies, one way or another, helping to build that shaky giant story, all leading to this point. Exciting!

Not only is the MCU directed to this (giant) movie, but we know it will certainly be the end of some of our favorite heroes.

Death is a famous way to put an end to things – and a whole group of Marvel pillars (Robert Downey Junior, Chris Evans, etc.) have completed their contract, so we know that someone is banging.

So what we are saying is that Avengers: End of the game is going to be an event. The hottest nightclub in the city is Avengers: End of the game. Everything is there: a decisive finale, dead characters and this thing where a film lasts three and a half hours.

But we are also aware that there are LOTS of movies preceding this movie and that you may not have the time or inclination to watch the 21 movies to be prepared. You have things to do, a modern woman who tries to have everything. But here's the good news: you do not have to watch them all! Not all films are extremely important. You can cheat!

So here are the most integral movies you have to watch before Avengers: Endgame, in order to watch, extremely minimal spoilers:

6 The Avengers (2012)

The first film of the Avengers is obvious.

This is the best and most effective introduction for the main group of heroes who will fight in End of Game, as well as the literal introduction to the circumstances that make it a team. Plus, it's still a very good movie. You have to watch it!

These are some unlikely friends who come together to learn to trust and who fight the aliens.

Of course, you CAN look at the original stories of all the heroes – the Iron Man, Captain America and Thor trilogies all have absolutely brilliant films, but you do NOT have to watch them. The Avengers perfectly introduces the characters for End of Game.

It also marks the beginning of this long history, the invasion of New York by the stranger Chitauri being the first idea of ​​the implication of End of GameThanos with the Earth and its most powerful heroes.

5 Strange doctor (2016)

Good – Dr. Strange honestly has a bigger role in Avengers: war in the infinite that I have never really hoped for.

Strange doctor is on a grumpy surgeon who becomes a grumpy wizard.

In his film, he is organized as a being with quite niche responsibilities, which tend to keep him away from the rest of the MCU, like "keeping our reality", whatever that really means. Strange doctor It's also a pretty original film in Marvel figures, which certainly contains scenes of magic fights quite cool and hallucinating. Normally, I would say to jump.

However, in addition to introducing the right doctor himself, he also introduces Time Stone, one of the jewels that fascinates Thanos. It seems that the stone of time and the journey through time will become an integral part of Avengers: End of the game.

The guards throw James Gunn

4 Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

Basically, every character who was not The Avengers is in Guardians of the Galaxy – it's just science!

It's a movie about space friends stealing a fancy jewel.

One of the best and most fun movies of the entire MCU, it's worth watching. But it's also a great way to find out who the majority of Chris Pratt's crazy characters are and what's happening in the MCU off the Earth.

3 Avengers: the era of Ultron (2015)

You need to keep up to date with the Avengers – if you jump right off the bat when they were little in their first movie End of Gameyou would be confused.

In Age Of Ultron, Tony Stark creates a homicidal robot and very intelligent – with unexpected consequences! Who could have predicted that his unconditional desire to create deadly death killers would turn around? Not me

Things have got a little darker since those early days, and Age of Ultron helps to illustrate these tensions, which will undoubtedly still be played and will be referenced in the next film. It's not the best Avengers movie, but it's a good job for the characters – and that's what's important for End of Game.

2 Ant and the wasp (2018)

Look, just keep in mind that the Ant-Man franchise is just meant to be pretty fun and low-stakes – because it's not a wonderful movie. It's nice, but just a little … meh.

Ant and the wasp Paul Rudd, a foolish criminal who wants to help save the mother of his girlfriend from too small a size!

BUT – Paul Rudd is a delight and it's always fun to watch things shrink.

The only reason you have to look at this is that we are 90% sure that Avengers: End of the game will venture into the quantum realm, which is essentially what is written on etiquette: a quantum realm. I do not know. They will probably try to go back in time.

Ant and the wasp will certainly help you understand that everything is – although I can not imagine that End of Game do not contextualize it either.


1. Avengers: war in the infinite (2018)

I mean, duh.

Fundamentally, War of Infinity and End of Game are the same film divided into two giant halves. I can not emphasize this too much. The final phase will probably be meaningless if you do not see it. War of Infinity!

It is a film about a huge purple man, Thanos, who wants to collect a handful of exceptional jewelry, but not only because they are fabulous. He needs them because of maths. Fortunately, the Avengers and their friends want to stop him.

Oh my god, why are you arguing with me? It is the bare minimum.

You idiot.

Avengers: End of the game is at the cinema on April 24, 2019.

Patrick Lenton is the entertainment publisher at Junkee. He tweets @patricklenton.

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